Thread: PG Win32 Do I need NT? Is 95 OK?

PG Win32 Do I need NT? Is 95 OK?

Sam Fion Taylor OCONNOR
I've been trying to build PG6.5 on Win95.
So far all is well but frequent freezups while compiling
are making it a little frustrating.
It tends to freeze at "make -C [some dir] all".
The longest run I had got to building libpostgres.a.
At this point dlltool just sat there using 100% cpu doing
Would it be more stable on NT?
Will postgres work at all on 95 or will I need NT
to run it even if I get it to build on 95.
If so will it work on NT workstation or do I need
NT server?
I want to be able to connect to the DB server via TCP/IP.
I have been using pg on Linux for ages but a current client
insists on NT.

Thanks for your help.
