Thread: Problems with Linux/Sparc

Problems with Linux/Sparc

Steffen Zimmert
Hi everybody,

I tried to install the new version 6.5 on a SUN SparcStation 5 running
RedHat Linux 5.2. All files compiled properly but when I try to start
the postmaster I get the following error message:

IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Invalid argument) key=5432001,
size=1073152, permission=600
FATAL 1:  ShmemCreate: cannot create region

I read in the FAQ that it could be the problem of missing IPC support
but this feature is compiled into the kernel. The compiler is the
egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release).

Any hints??
Best Regards,
Steffen Zimmert

Steffen Zimmert
Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics
Providence, Rhode Island, USA