Thread: Postgres user

Postgres user

Keith Chayer
This is in response to step 28. in the Postgres INSTALL file

- I am running Postgres v6.5
- I use a heavily modified RedHat v5.1 Linux, running kernel 2.2.10,
glibc 2.1.1
- i486, compiled with the -m486 optimization option as well as
--with-perl and --with-odbc
- compiled cleanly, but after installing I got a segfault when I tried
to run initdb.  I fixed this by compiling without odbc or perl,
reinstalling, and then adding those options (without a make clean--I
just re-ran configure then re-compiled)
float8 and geometry regression tests failed, although I think it was
some minor output diffs, nothing to worry about.

That's it!

..Keith Chayer
Network Technician
Baptist Bible College
Springfield, MO