Your name : Rob Helling
Your email address : helling@x4u2.desy.de
Category : runtime: back-end
Severity : serious
Summary: select doesn't find entry
System Configuration
Operating System : Linux SuSE 6.1 Kernel 2.2.5
PostgreSQL version : 6.4.2
Compiler used : SuSE distributed binary
Pentium 2, 128M RAMLinux M 2.2.5 #7 SMP Fri Jun 18 09:07:17 MEST 1999 i686 unknown
Versions of other tools:
Problem Description:
Some entries disappeared in the following way: We have a table 'people'
is a colum 'person_key' [varchar]. In one row person_key='kristjansen' (the row exists
and can be selected using other colums) but
select * from people where person_key = 'kristjansen';
produces a null result. So does
select * from people where person_key like 'kristjansen';
select * from people where person_key like 'kr%istjansen';
works. The % has to be in that specific place.
The problem is there in psql and Perl (DBD interface). It is
even there if I write a perl script that selects this row using
another column extractin person_key and then asking for this
require 'database.pl';
$SQL{'all_people'} = "select * from people;";
$SQL{'still_there?'} = " select * from people where person_key='\$person_key'";
foreach $guy(@all){
$person_key = @$guy[0];
@doll = ();
print "$person_key disappeared!\n" unless @doll;
This happend to 4 of a few hundred rows in an unreprodicible
The problem goes away when I use pgaccess to change kristjansen
manually to 'foo' and back. Could there be an invisible
character between the 'r' and the 'i'?
Test Case:
Sorry, not known.