Thread: Port Bug Report: libpq result->fsize returns -1 for type CHAR

Port Bug Report: libpq result->fsize returns -1 for type CHAR

Unprivileged user
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               : John Chmielewski
Your email address      :

Category                : runtime: front-end: Perl
Severity                : non-critical

Summary: libpq result->fsize returns -1 for type CHAR

System Configuration
  Operating System   : Redhat Linux 6.0

  PostgreSQL version : 6.4.2

  Compiler used      :

2.2.5-15 #1 Mon Apr 19 22:21:09 EDT 1999 i586 unknown

Versions of other tools:


Problem Description:
The perl module, pgsql_perl5-1.8.1.tar.gz, always reports
a size of -1 for all CHAR types.  It seems to be a problem
with libpq rather than the perl module.


Test Case:
Here is a test table:
  tape INT,
  movie char (40) NOT NULL,
  rating varchar(5),
  release char (4),
  runtime int,
  counter char
) \g

Here is a test program

use Getopt::Std;
use Pg;

$usage =  "Usage: pgtest [-h server] database [table]\n";
getopts('h:') || die $usage;
($database = shift) || die $usage;
($table = shift) || ($table = "xxx");
($server = $opt_h) || ($server = "localhost");

$conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$database host=$server");
if ($conn->status)
    print "Connect Failed: ", $conn->errorMessage;
    die "\n";

# SQL command so PGresult structure is pupolated
$result = $conn->exec("select * from $table where tape = 1");
if (!$result)
    print "Select Failed: ", $conn->errorMessage;
    die "\n";

$numfields = $result->nfields;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++)
    $name[$i] = $result->fname($i);
    print $name[$i], "\t", $result->ftype($i), "\t",
        $result->fsize($i), "\n";

Here is the results of running the test program
tape    23    4
movie    1042    -1
rating    1043    -1
release    1042    -1
runtime    23    4
counter    1042    -1


