Thread: Port Bug Report: WHERE clause crashes when comparing to a NULL value

Port Bug Report: WHERE clause crashes when comparing to a NULL value

Unprivileged user
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               : Aaron Seigo
Your email address      :

Category                : runtime: back-end: SQL
Severity                : serious

Summary: WHERE clause crashes when comparing to a NULL value

System Configuration
  Operating System   : Linux 2.0.36

  PostgreSQL version : 6.1.4

  Compiler used      : gcc

Debian. Pentium, 128 MB

Versions of other tools:


Problem Description:
When an SQL query is made that has a WHERE clause that
compares a column with a value, and it comes to a field in
that column that has a NULL value, it crashes.


Test Case:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE table_column = 'VALUE';

make sure that at least one field in table_column is NULL.

can be avoided by doing:

SELECT * FROM table_name
  WHERE table_column IS NOT NULL
  AND table_column = 'VALUE';




> Summary: WHERE clause crashes when comparing to a NULL value
>   Operating System   : Linux 2.0.36
>   PostgreSQL version : 6.1.4
>   Compiler used      : gcc
> Problem Description:
> --------------------
> When an SQL query is made that has a WHERE clause that
> compares a column with a value, and it comes to a field in
> that column that has a NULL value, it crashes.

What version of Postgres are you running?? v6.1.4 is either way too
old or is not the version you have.

Also, please post a reproducible (small) case; the problem is not
reproducible here.

                   - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart      
South Pasadena, California