Thread: Re: [PORTS] Windows 95 PgAccess Help with PSQL

Re: [PORTS] Windows 95 PgAccess Help with PSQL

"G. Anthony Reina"
Finn Kettner wrote:

> On  June 2. 1999 at 11:46 G. Anthony Reina wrote about [PORTS]
> Windows 95 PgAccess Help wi:
> > Files\PostgresSQL just fine. However, when I try 'psql db01' in a
> > DOS window, I get the following error:
> >
> > Connection to database 'db01'   failed.
> > connectDB() -- socket() failed : errno=0
> > No error
> Use "psql -h ´hostname´ db01" where hostname is the name or the
> IP-address of your database (Linux) machine.
> use psql -h to get a small help from the command line, and \? when
> psql is started. sql statements to the backend is committed with an
> ending ´;´.
> At least that worked for me, but I couldn't do something
> like: "psql \\´hostname´:´dbname´" or even "psql \\´hostname´"
> Yours faithfully.
> Finn Kettner.

Thanks Finn. That did the trick.

Is there a way to set the DOS environment so that it recognizes the PG host?

For example, on my unix system I have:

setenv PGHOST host_computer_name