Thread: Windows 95 PgAccess Help with PSQL

Windows 95 PgAccess Help with PSQL

"G. Anthony Reina"
    I have my database set up on a RH Linux box and have no trouble
accessing it from the other UNIX systems in my lab.

    I downloaded the Win-32 client (6.4.2) from the web site and it
self-installed on my Windows 95 machine into c:\Program
Files\PostgresSQL just fine. However, when I try 'psql db01' in a DOS
window, I get the following error:

Connection to database 'db01'   failed.
connectDB() -- socket() failed : errno=0
No error

And then the program terminates. I can't seem to find any help file
included with the installation and must be missing where it is on the

Could someone tell me how to get the Windows client to work?

I know that the Windows computer can see the Linux database server on
the network (ping works fine).

-Tony Reina