Thread: Support data access from web page

Support data access from web page

From (giftadmin)
           I had just downloaded psql for WIN95 , after installing it I
don't know what to do ????(I simply ran plsql.exe but nothing happens. I

usually works on Oracle, MS SQL Server but I am unable to even configure

psql.Please help me out of this!!!!
         Second thing I want to use psql as backend for my ASP page , I
gone to each and every site but didn't got the driver for psql(except
for JDBC).I don't want to use
Jdbc(for some reason) ... like ADO I want a direct driver for psql..
                        I would be thankfull to you , if  help me out of

such problem.

Sanjeev Chand,
Intranet Developer,
Crystaline Infotek,