Thread: Port Bug Report: Can't add nth element of array that has n-1 elts.

Port Bug Report: Can't add nth element of array that has n-1 elts.

Unprivileged user
                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               : Raphael Finkel
Your email address      :

Category                : runtime: back-end: SQL
Severity                : non-critical

Summary: Can't add nth element of array that has n-1 elts.

System Configuration
  Operating System   : Linux 2.0.36 ELF Slackware

  PostgreSQL version : 6.4.2

  Compiler used      : egcs-2.90.29egcs-2.90.29

Linux zonker 2.0.36 #2 Sun Jan 10 17:51:07 EST 1999 i686 unknown

Versions of other tools:


Problem Description:
 How can I add an nth element to an array column
 that already has n-1 elements?  The UPDATE command seems to fail:

         database=> UPDATE myTable
                 SET who[2] = 'raphael'
                 WHERE letter='alpha';

         database-> ERROR: array_set: array bound exceeded


Test Case:


