Thread: initdb "pg_atoi: error"

initdb "pg_atoi: error"

"Michael A. Koerber"
I have received a number of inquires as to the "initdb" error
which ends with the message...

  Adding template1 database to pg_database...
  Running: postgres -boot -C -F -D/home/postgres/local/pgsql/data -Q
  template1 < /tmp/create.8912
  ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "template1": can't parse "template1"
  ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "template1": can't parse "template1"
  initdb: could not log template database
  initdb: cleaning up.

In my case the solution was simple...remove the RedHat RPM for
Postgres, then continue with the installation from the Postgres
source distribution.

The RedHat RPM places the Postgres executables in /usr/bin/ (I believe)
which is before the /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb in the Postgres
source distribution.  RedHat also chooses to place the data base
and other items in locations different from the Postgres source
distribution defaults.

I hope this helps.

Good luck


Dr Michael A. Koerber
MIT/Lincoln Laboratory