Thread: RH Software Collections

RH Software Collections

Craig Ringer
Hi all

Nick Carboni at Red Hat just reached out to me (via some pglogical-related discussion) about the Software Collections service RH is involved with. It looks interesting.

I've been keeping my eyes out for hosted build services and similar that might ease the maintenance of build machines and make it more practical to delegate access to subsets of packages. As you know I looked at Koji earlier but found it almost impossible to set up and maintain.

This one looks intriguing.

There's a certain similarity to PPAs with some alternatives-system integration.

It relies on COPR (, which seems a bit like Launchpad PPAs + a build service.

Of course, it's all hosted infrastructure, not stuff we can run on Pg infrastructure boxes. I'm not overly troubled by that, since in the end it's still using a package tree, mock for builds, etc. If it goes away it's not the end of the world, it's not a conversion to a whole new package system.


Even if SCL isn't interesting, I can't help but wonder if COPR would offer an easier-to-manage-and-delegate package build system than a bunch of hand-maintained VMs and package trees.

 Craig Ringer         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: RH Software Collections

Craig Ringer
On 28 April 2016 at 13:19, Craig Ringer <> wrote:
This one looks intriguing.

On further reading I see that it namespaces everything more completely than I thought. You don't get to make things default with alternatives, it seems to use a PATH wrapper 'scl' command.

It relies on Red Hat's COPR rather than providing an alternative to it, so it doesn't add anything new or interesting for maintaining normal package trees. COPR doesn't help with building srpms, versioning and maintaining trees, etc, it just does builds and repo maintenance. Useful but not exciting; it's a pity it can't build SRPMs from specs too.

So this isn't anything exciting.

 Craig Ringer         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: RH Software Collections

Christoph Berg
Re: Craig Ringer 2016-04-28 <>
> On 28 April 2016 at 13:19, Craig Ringer <> wrote:
> > This one looks intriguing.
> >
> >
> So this isn't anything exciting.

How about OBS?

It's fairly trivial to set up their appliance for hosting private
instances, I've done that here at the company. There's also a CLI
client to upload source and trigger builds (though I haven't used it
yet, we have only a packages in there).
