Thread: Problem with GDAL package from gd

Problem with GDAL package from gd

Robert Inder
I have PostgreSQL 9.4 running on a 64-bit Centos 6.4 machine,  I have
then used "yum" to install
    gdal.x86_64            1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-devel.x86_64      1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-java.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-libs.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
all from the pgdg94 repository.  When I do
   ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
I get
  -> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
and I have various tests using ogr2ogr (from the gdal package) which work.


I also a 32-bit Centos 6.4 machine, on which I have used yum to remove
PostgreSQL 8.4 and then install PostgreSQL 9.4.

I have then used "yum" to install
    gdal.i686                        1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-devel.i686                  1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-java.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
    gdal-libs.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
again all from the pgdg94 repository.  But ogr2ogr is unable to
connect to the database, and so my tests fail.  When I do
   ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
I get nothing.

So it LOOKS like the 32-bit gdal rpms do not have PostgreSQL drivers.

Could that be right?  For an rpm coming from the pgdg94 repository,
which is maintained by the Postgres project?

Is there another package that Yum or I should have installed?

Can you shed any light?

How do I track down what has gone wrong and fix it?


Robert Inder,                                    0131 229 1052 / 07808 492 213
Interactive Information Ltd,   3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH
Registered in Scotland, Company no. SC 150689
                                           Interactions speak louder than words

Re: Problem with GDAL package from gd


Sorry about that. I just pushed a new gdal update that supplies
PostgreSQL support:

# uname -m
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 6.6 (Carbon)
# ogr2ogr --formats|grep -i post
  -> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)

The new version is 1.9.2-7.

Regards, Devrim

On Fri, 2015-06-12 at 09:43 +0100, Robert Inder wrote:
> I have PostgreSQL 9.4 running on a 64-bit Centos 6.4 machine,  I have
> then used "yum" to install
>     gdal.x86_64            1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-devel.x86_64      1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-java.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-libs.x86_64       1.9.2-6.rhel6
> all from the pgdg94 repository.  When I do
>    ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
> I get
>   -> "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
> and I have various tests using ogr2ogr (from the gdal package) which work.
> I also a 32-bit Centos 6.4 machine, on which I have used yum to remove
> PostgreSQL 8.4 and then install PostgreSQL 9.4.
> I have then used "yum" to install
>     gdal.i686                        1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-devel.i686                  1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-java.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
>     gdal-libs.i686                   1.9.2-6.rhel6
> again all from the pgdg94 repository.  But ogr2ogr is unable to
> connect to the database, and so my tests fail.  When I do
>    ogr2ogr --formats | grep "Post"
> I get nothing.
> So it LOOKS like the 32-bit gdal rpms do not have PostgreSQL drivers.
> Could that be right?  For an rpm coming from the pgdg94 repository,
> which is maintained by the Postgres project?
> Is there another package that Yum or I should have installed?
> Can you shed any light?
> How do I track down what has gone wrong and fix it?
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Inder,                                    0131 229 1052 / 07808 492 213
> Interactive Information Ltd,   3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH
> Registered in Scotland, Company no. SC 150689
>                                            Interactions speak louder than words

Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB:
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR