The package plr was updated on
New version 1:
plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | source
plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | source
postgresql-7.4-plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.1-plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr-dbgsym | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr-dbgsym | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr-dbgsym | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr-dbgsym | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | jessie-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | wily-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr-dbgsym | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
Old version 1:
plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | source
plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | source
plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | source
postgresql-7.4-plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.1-plr | 1:0.6.2-4 | etch-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-8.4-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.0-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.1-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.2-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.3-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | wheezy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | squeeze-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | utopic-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | trusty-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | saucy-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | precise-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.4-plr | 1: | lucid-pgdg | amd64, i386
postgresql-9.5-plr | 1: | sid-pgdg | amd64
plr (1: sid-pgdg; urgency=medium
* Rebuild for sid-pgdg (jenkins-plr-source-distribution=sid-18, git
revision b4004bf2c977ebe3c0b5d81892a4755856956ae2)
-- autobuilder <> Sat, 16 Jan 2016 09:45:07 +0100
plr (1: unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version with 9.5 support.
* Don't remove docs on clean.
* Remove special handling for libR on lucid.
-- Christoph Berg <> Sun, 10 Jan 2016 17:30:23 +0100
plr (1: UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Work around missing /usr/lib/ on lucid. Code was already
present in debian/postinst, but not installed into all binaries.
Patch by Robert Stone, thanks!
-- Christoph Berg <> Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:38:42 +0200
The public mirrors serving are synced hourly,
the updated packages will be available there shortly.