Thread: Triggers problem

Triggers problem

Ninad Kalamkar
i have a problem in triggers for that bellow is my table structure

survey table

questions table

answer_options table

now the problem is
i want to write a trigger after insert on survey table data should be inserted in questions and answer options table
i get survey_id  by new.survey_id but in same function i am not getting question_id to insert in answer option for newly inserted questions as the trigger is on insert of survey table
i don't want to use cascaded triggers because it is creating some more problems
please guide me in this regards

Re: Triggers problem

"Jim C. Nasby"
You're more likely to get a response to this on -general than here.

Why are you trying to do this with a trigger? ISTM that with what you're
trying to do you should be using a stored procedure.

On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 03:13:12PM +0530, Ninad Kalamkar wrote:
> i have a problem in triggers for that bellow is my table structure
> survey table
>  <>survey_id
> questions table
> question_id
> survey_id
> answer_options table
> answer_option_id
> question_id
> now the problem is
> i want to write a trigger after insert on survey table data should be
> inserted in questions and answer options table
> i get survey_id by new.survey_id but in same function i am not getting
> question_id to insert in answer option for newly inserted questions as the
> trigger is on insert of survey table
> i don't want to use cascaded triggers because it is creating some more
> problems
> please guide me in this regards

Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant
Pervasive Software    work: 512-231-6117
vcard:       cell: 512-569-9461