Thread: --with-pgsql=shared


"Stefan Hans"
Hi *,
we start to host a server (Linux, Apache2, PHP5, PostgreSQL8) and our provider compiles PHP with '--with-pgsql=shared'.
What means the php configure option '--with-pgsql=shared' and what impact has this on the performance?
I guess that this option means pgsql is to be used as dynamic module, but I am not sure. If it is so, does this mean that the pgsql module is loaded into memory only one time or every time needed again?
What impact has this on an application using postgres via php and do you have any hints concerning performance (we can define php.ini)?
Thx in advance

Fedor core3 php not create file in /var

"Ramesh Patel"
Dear All

I have FC-3 server . i use default php .
now when i create file in  /var/www/html/mydir in PHP  so not created.
and /tmp will create file

now i want to create file in  /var/www/html/mydir ??

Please help

Ramesh Patel
System Dept.
Banasdairy, Palanpur(B.K.)
E-Mail :
Mobile : 94263 91295