Thread: Re: [Plphp] Re: plPHP and PostgreSQL 7.4.1

Re: [Plphp] Re: plPHP and PostgreSQL 7.4.1

Dear Matteo,

That makes no common points:

PHP 4.3.9        vs PHP 5.0.2
Debian 3.0       vs FreeBSD 4.x
PostgreSQL 7.4.6 vs PostgreSQL 7.4.1

Seems like a global problem. The only common point seems to be the warning
message: both of us encountered this message with "cache pg_proc".

I'm also sending this mail to pgsql-php at, in hope someone
there may explain things.

%----------------------- cut here -----------------------%

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matteo Beccati" <>
To: "dedicated to the plphp function language"
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:37 AM

> Hi,
> > I encountered this problem with freshly installed psql7.4.6 and freshly
> > compiled libphp4 (4.3.9). What is your php version? if you also chose
> > that may make a point.
> PHP 5.0.2
> FreeBSD-stable 4.x
> PostgreSQL 7.4.1 installed from ports
> plPHP compiled using a 7.4.1 tarball
> Unfortunately a brand new time-consuming project came in and I couldn't
> make any other try...
> Best regards
> --
> Matteo Beccati
> _______________________________________________
> plphp mailing list

Re: [Plphp] Re: plPHP and PostgreSQL 7.4.1

"Joshua D. Drake"
SZŰCS Gábor wrote:
> Dear Matteo,
> That makes no common points:
> PHP 4.3.9        vs PHP 5.0.2
> Debian 3.0       vs FreeBSD 4.x
> PostgreSQL 7.4.6 vs PostgreSQL 7.4.1
> Seems like a global problem. The only common point seems to be the warning
> message: both of us encountered this message with "cache pg_proc".
> I'm also sending this mail to pgsql-php at, in hope someone
> there may explain things.
> G.
> %----------------------- cut here -----------------------%
> \end
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matteo Beccati" <>
> To: "dedicated to the plphp function language"
> <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:37 AM
>>>I encountered this problem with freshly installed psql7.4.6 and freshly
>>>compiled libphp4 (4.3.9). What is your php version? if you also chose
> 4.x.x,
>>>that may make a point.
>>PHP 5.0.2
>>FreeBSD-stable 4.x
>>PostgreSQL 7.4.1 installed from ports
>>plPHP compiled using a 7.4.1 tarball
>>Unfortunately a brand new time-consuming project came in and I couldn't
>>make any other try...

I have not been following this thread but I have one question. Do you
get the error the first time the function runs or do you only get it
each subsequent time?


Joshua D. Drake

>>Best regards
>>Matteo Beccati
>>plphp mailing list
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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Re: [Plphp] Re: plPHP and PostgreSQL 7.4.1

Szűcs Gábor
All subsequent times, as long as I tried.

---------------------- cut here ----------------------
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua D. Drake" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:34 PM

I have not been following this thread but I have one question. Do you
get the error the first time the function runs or do you only get it
each subsequent time?


Joshua D. Drake