Thread: Hi!, and a Question

Hi!, and a Question

David Cruz
Hello to everybody!

I'm David from Colombia.

I'm learning Postgresql and using PHP. And I'm trying
to connect from my php web page to PostgreSQL, I use
this function:

 $connection = pg_connect("host=gatuno port=5432

and when I look it on the browser it shows:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect()
in /var/www/index2.php on line 8

- I have PostgreSQL 7.4 , Apache is working well, and
all other php scripts too. I'm using knoppix and I
looked at the KPackage and I have php4-pgsql

Does somebody know what could be happening?


Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Hi!, and a Question

Christopher Kings-Lynne
> and when I look it on the browser it shows:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect()
> in /var/www/index2.php on line 8
> - I have PostgreSQL 7.4 , Apache is working well, and
> all other php scripts too. I'm using knoppix and I
> looked at the KPackage and I have php4-pgsql
> installed.

You have not got pgsql support compiled into PHP.


Re: Hi!, and a Question

Nick Barr
Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>> and when I look it on the browser it shows:
>> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect()
>> in /var/www/index2.php on line 8
>> - I have PostgreSQL 7.4 , Apache is working well, and
>> all other php scripts too. I'm using knoppix and I
>> looked at the KPackage and I have php4-pgsql
>> installed.
> You have not got pgsql support compiled into PHP.
> Chris
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Either PHP has not been compiled into PHP, or the extension has not been
turned on. Look in php.ini for a line looking like:


and uncomment it (remove the ;) so it looks like:



Re: Hi!, and a Question

David Cruz
Hi!, about this, I'm using it local, in the same
server is postgresql and the database and the apache
web server too. I have downloaded the php-pgsql again
and install it again, it was an rpm and i have knoppix
(debian), so I did it with #alien -i, I have this in
my php.ini

; Dynamic Extensions ;
; If you wish to have an extension loaded
automatically, use the following
; syntax:
;   extension=modulename.extension
; For example, on Windows:
;   extension=msql.dll
; ... or under UNIX:
; Note that it should be the name of the module only;
no directory information
; needs to go here.  Specify the location of the
extension with the
; extension_dir directive above.


I have in /usr/lib/php4/20020429 which is the
place where phpinfo(); says it's searching for

and my /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf says:

IP-MASK           METHOD
# Database administrative login by UNIX sockets
local   all         all
# All other connections by UNIX sockets
local   all         all
# All IPv4 connections from localhost
host    all         all   trust
# All IPv6 localhost connections
host    all         all         ::1
ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff        trust
host    all         all         ::ffff:
# reject all other connection attempts
localhost    all         all           trust

and the phpinfo page shows:

PostgreSQL Support    enabled
Active Persistent Links     0
Active Links     0

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
pgsql.allow_persistent    On    On
pgsql.auto_reset_persistent    Off    Off
pgsql.max_links    Unlimited    Unlimited
pgsql.max_persistent    Unlimited    Unlimited

I don't know what am I doing but it doesn't work, when
I execute the php web page:


    $db = pg_connect("dbname=cdtaller4_3");
$query = "select  *  from empleados";
$result = pg_exec($db, $query);
if (!$result) {
printf ("ERROR");
$errormessage = pg_errormessage($db);
echo $errormessage;
       <a href="index3.php">a index3</a>


It doesn't shows any error or something it stays on
the same page it was, and do nothing...

Thanks...if somebody knows another configuration I'm
forgetting.. (PHP 4, Apache, PostgreSQL 7.4.2, Knoppix


--- wrote:
> Question - You say other php scripts work, do they
> connect to the database
> too?
> I see you have not specified a user to connect to
> the database.  I believe
> the host and port are necessary only if they are not
> local or using a
> different port.
> I use the following format to connect
> $db = pg_connect("dbname=performance user=browser");
> $query = "select  *  from my_table";
> $result = pg_exec($db, $query);
> if (!$result) {
> printf ("ERROR");
> $errormessage = pg_errormessage($db);
> echo $errormessage;
> exit;
> }
> Thanks
> Cameron
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Cameron G. Moller,  Senior Officer
> Technical Project Manager
> SSGM Infrastructure
> State Street Corporation                       ...
> __o
> Cell:  617-799-9049
> ...    -\<,
> Desk:  617-664-4501                            ...
> (_)/(_) ..
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> |---------+------------------------------>
> |         |           David Cruz         |
> |         |           <davidcrmail@yahoo.|
> |         |           com>               |
> |         |           Sent by:           |
> |         |           pgsql-php-owner@pos|
> |         |         |
> |         |                              |
> |         |                              |
> |         |           06/04/2004 01:13 AM|
> |         |                              |
> |---------+------------------------------>

>   |
>                        |
>   |       To:
>                        |
>   |       cc:
>                        |
>   |       Subject:  [PHP] Hi!, and a Question
>                        |

> Hello to everybody!
> I'm David from Colombia.
> I'm learning Postgresql and using PHP. And I'm
> trying
> to connect from my php web page to PostgreSQL, I use
> this function:
>  $connection = pg_connect("host=gatuno port=5432
> dbname=cdtaller4_3");
> and when I look it on the browser it shows:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
> pg_connect()
> in /var/www/index2.php on line 8
> - I have PostgreSQL 7.4 , Apache is working well,
> and
> all other php scripts too. I'm using knoppix and I
> looked at the KPackage and I have php4-pgsql
> installed.
> Does somebody know what could be happening?
> thanks!
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose
> an index scan if your
>       joining column's datatypes do not match

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Hi!, and a Question

Frank Bax
Check your apache log to see if error messages are being logged there.
I'll make a guess anyway.  With a connect statement like:
         $db = pg_connect("dbname=cdtaller4_3");
You should also have user=xxxxx inside the quotes.
You may or may not have more success by adding host=localhost.


At 02:17 AM 6/8/04, David Cruz wrote:

>Hi!, about this, I'm using it local, in the same
>server is postgresql and the database and the apache
>web server too. I have downloaded the php-pgsql again
>and install it again, it was an rpm and i have knoppix
>(debian), so I did it with #alien -i, I have this in
>my php.ini
>; Dynamic Extensions ;
>; If you wish to have an extension loaded
>automatically, use the following
>; syntax:
>;   extension=modulename.extension
>; For example, on Windows:
>;   extension=msql.dll
>; ... or under UNIX:
>; Note that it should be the name of the module only;
>no directory information
>; needs to go here.  Specify the location of the
>extension with the
>; extension_dir directive above.
>I have in /usr/lib/php4/20020429 which is the
>place where phpinfo(); says it's searching for
>and my /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf says:
>IP-MASK           METHOD
># Database administrative login by UNIX sockets
>local   all         all
>         trust
># All other connections by UNIX sockets
>local   all         all
>              trust
># All IPv4 connections from localhost
>host    all         all
>   trust
># All IPv6 localhost connections
>host    all         all        ::1
>ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff        trust
>host    all         all        ::ffff:
>              trust
># reject all other connection attempts
>localhost    all         all
>           trust
>and the phpinfo page shows:
>PostgreSQL Support      enabled
>Active Persistent Links         0
>Active Links    0
>Directive       Local Value     Master Value
>pgsql.allow_persistent  On      On
>pgsql.auto_reset_persistent     Off     Off
>pgsql.max_links Unlimited       Unlimited
>pgsql.max_persistent    Unlimited       Unlimited
>I don't know what am I doing but it doesn't work, when
>I execute the php web page:
><?php $db = pg_connect("dbname=cdtaller4_3"); $query = "select * from
>empleados"; $result = pg_exec($db, $query); if (!$result) { printf
>("ERROR"); $errormessage = pg_errormessage($db); echo $errormessage; exit;
>} ?> <index3.htm>a index3
>It doesn't shows any error or something it stays on
>the same page it was, and do nothing...
>Thanks...if somebody knows another configuration I'm
>forgetting.. (PHP 4, Apache, PostgreSQL 7.4.2, Knoppix