Thread: session_is_started()



I'm makeing a PHP frontend to a postgresql db, and want to use
sessions in order to sore global variables. I read that it's enough to
put session_start() in the top file of the app, but that doesn't work,
when I go two or three PHP files "deep", the session is forgotten.

To workaround this, I tried putting session_start() at the begonning
of every PHP file that does something with session variables. This
however gives me lot of these errors: "Notice: A session had already
been started - ignoring session_start() in [scriptname] on line 5"

I would like something like

if (!session_is_started()) { // note: this function doesn't exist

How have you solved this problem? Thanks for any tips!

Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow) Linux 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl

Re: session_is_started()

Wim Paulussen
I would do the following : on the first page you start the session with
session_start and then you include an OK field in the session
($_SESSION['OK']   = TRUE;
On the following pages , the first thing you do is check the existence
of the variable like this
if (! isset($_SESSION['OK']))

Your problems derives most probably from teh fact that in your php.ini
the session.autostart is set to On , starting a session automatically
once 1 time started.

Joolz wrote:

>I'm makeing a PHP frontend to a postgresql db, and want to use
>sessions in order to sore global variables. I read that it's enough to
>put session_start() in the top file of the app, but that doesn't work,
>when I go two or three PHP files "deep", the session is forgotten.
>To workaround this, I tried putting session_start() at the begonning
>of every PHP file that does something with session variables. This
>however gives me lot of these errors: "Notice: A session had already
>been started - ignoring session_start() in [scriptname] on line 5"
>I would like something like
>if (!session_is_started()) { // note: this function doesn't exist
>  session_start();
>How have you solved this problem? Thanks for any tips!

Re: session_is_started()

> [Wim Paulussen schreef op 08-04-2004 16:49 +0200]

Hallo Wim, bedankt voor je reactie! (just saying hello to Wim)

> I would do the following : on the first page you start the session with
> session_start and then you include an OK field in the session
> <code>
> ($_SESSION['OK']   = TRUE;
> </code>
> On the following pages , the first thing you do is check the existence
> of the variable like this
> <code>
> if (! isset($_SESSION['OK']))
> {
>    session_start();
> }
> </code>

I tried this:

  if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
    // id is a session variable that contains the user id

The output is:

  Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start()
  in [scriptname] on line 3

I can't figure out what's going wrong...

> Your problems derives most probably from teh fact that in your php.ini
> the session.autostart is set to On , starting a session automatically
> once 1 time started.

No... It was on, but setting it off doesn't change the behaviour :-(

> Joolz wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm makeing a PHP frontend to a postgresql db, and want to use
> >sessions in order to sore global variables. I read that it's enough to
> >put session_start() in the top file of the app, but that doesn't work,
> >when I go two or three PHP files "deep", the session is forgotten.
> >
> >To workaround this, I tried putting session_start() at the begonning
> >of every PHP file that does something with session variables. This
> >however gives me lot of these errors: "Notice: A session had already
> >been started - ignoring session_start() in [scriptname] on line 5"
> >
> >I would like something like
> >
> >if (!session_is_started()) { // note: this function doesn't exist
> > session_start();
> >}
> >
> >How have you solved this problem? Thanks for any tips!
> >
> >
> >
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow) Linux 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl

Re: session_is_started()

Joolz wrote:
> I would like something like
> if (!session_is_started()) { // note: this function doesn't
> exist
>   session_start();
> }


  this is not really a postgres-related question, but what the
heck. Use session_id to detect if a session is started or not.
See: for an
example (user-contributed, at the bottom of the page).

Re: session_is_started()

> [Tin schreef op 09-04-2004 07:35 +0200]
> Joolz wrote:
> > I would like something like
> >
> > if (!session_is_started()) { // note: this function doesn't
> > exist
> >   session_start();
> > }
>   Hi,
>   this is not really a postgres-related question, but what the
> heck. Use session_id to detect if a session is started or not.
> See: for an
> example (user-contributed, at the bottom of the page).

Great, thanks!

Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow) Linux 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl