Thread: timestamptz Insert

timestamptz Insert

"Seader, Cameron"
I am having trouble with the following SQL insert

 $createtbl  =  "CREATE TABLE $table (";
 $createtbl    .=    "UTCTime timestamptz,";
 $createtbl    .=    "error text,";
 $createtbl    .=    "lowalarm bigint,";
 $createtbl    .=  "highalarm bigint";
 $createtbl    .=    "$points";
 $createtbl    .=  ") ";

When i insert data into the timestamptz field it is  automatically adding on the time zone of MST which is not correct.
Thedata that is being inserted is not MST it is GMT. how do i make it insert as GMT.  

note: it keeps the date and times the same, but it just adds the -07 to the end of the timestamp. when it should
accuallyjust be adding -00 to the end so that it stays in GMT format. 

??? Do i need to do a SET timezone under psql on the database ???

Cameron Seader
Operations Center Technician II
1.208.388.2582 Office

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