Thread: PostgreSQL and Bitwise and with int8 field

PostgreSQL and Bitwise and with int8 field

"Seader, Cameron"
I am trying to get the proper output with this SQL statement:

SELECT *, (highalarm & 0xffffffff)as high1, (highalarm >> 32)as high2 FROM t444d500009b5_2_6 ORDER BY utctime DESC

im splitting this 64 bit integer into two 32 bit integers so that PHP can handle it.

if the highalarm value is 20000000040, which was inputed as a hex value chopping off the 0x at the beginning to store
inan int8 field. 
When changed to binary it should read 100000000000000000000000000000000001000000 which is a 64 bit binary value. from
theselect statement above, what i am trying to acheive is splitting this 64 bit binary up so that i can read it in two
32bit values so that PHP can handle it. 
when in the 64 bit binary value i use this value to determine error points for a device, which has 42 data points
startingfrom right to left right being the start of point 1 and left ending in point 42 unless it is 0 it will the closest 1 if there is one. This example happens to be point 42. so when reading it in PHP i can tell
thatpoint 42 is in alarm or in some kind of bad status and also point 7 is as well since there is a 1 in the 7 spot of
thisbinary going from right to left. 

Can i please get some help with this SQL Statement - am i doing something wrong to get this to work?

Cameron Seader
Operations Center Technician II
1.208.388.2582 Office

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Re: PostgreSQL and Bitwise and with int8 field

Michael Fuhr
On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 02:44:31PM -0700, Seader, Cameron wrote:
> I am trying to get the proper output with this SQL statement:
> SELECT *, (highalarm & 0xffffffff)as high1, (highalarm >> 32)as high2 FROM t444d500009b5_2_6 ORDER BY utctime DESC

Try this:

SELECT *, (highalarm & x'ffffffff'::int8) AS high1, (highalarm >> 32) AS high2
FROM t444d500009b5_2_6

Michael Fuhr