Thread: Auto commit Off how will it effect us ?
Dear all , Permit me to gain some of your most valuable knowledge ........... Our intrAnet server has the following spec 1. RH 9.0 2. Postgresql 7.3.4 3. PHP 4.3.3 4. GCC 3.2.2 Till date my front end language (PHP) use to simply pass the data to postgresql in case of insert and update we were not using 1 BEGIN COMMIT block in PHP till date thanks to auto-commit-ON in postgreql 2. ROLLBACK script in PHP script And now when our company has decided to switch over to postgresql 7.4 we have some doubt 1. Do we have to include BEGIN and COMMIT block around the insert process . (Because Postgresql 7.4 has auto-commit-OFF) in our PHP scripts 2. Not only this do we also have to port the pgSQL functions which use to do inserts into a third table such that data gets committed on function execution Please provide us any kinda information so that we can happily switch to postgressql 7.4 Regards, V Kashyap
hi, SaiHertz And Control Systems wrote, On 12/3/2003 5:33 PM: > Dear all , > > Permit me to gain some of your most valuable knowledge ........... > > Our intrAnet server has the following spec > 1. RH 9.0 > 2. Postgresql 7.3.4 > 3. PHP 4.3.3 > 4. GCC 3.2.2 > > Till date my front end language (PHP) use to simply pass the data to > postgresql in case of insert and > update we were not using > 1 BEGIN COMMIT block in PHP till date thanks to auto-commit-ON in postgreql > 2. ROLLBACK script in PHP script > > > And now when our company has decided to switch over to postgresql 7.4 > we have some doubt > 1. Do we have to include BEGIN and COMMIT block around the insert > process . (Because Postgresql 7.4 has auto-commit-OFF) in our PHP scripts in pg7.4 AUTOCOMMIT = 'on' try: SET AUTOCOMMIT = off; you will get: ERROR: SET AUTOCOMMIT TO OFF is no longer supported C.
I have a table called Jobs and another called Applications. I can query all Job rows, but how do I also include the number of Application rows for each Job row in the SELECT statement? applications has a jobid foreign key create table job ( jobid SERIAL, login varchar(40), jobtitle varchar(70), jobdescrip TEXT, jobkeywords TEXT, valid int2 NOT NULL, postdate TIMESTAMPTZ, PRIMARY KEY (jobid), FOREIGN KEY(login) REFERENCES company ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE application ( applid SERIAL, jobid INTEGER, login varchar(6), apldate TIMESTAMPTZ, PRIMARY KEY (applid), FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES job ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (login) REFERENCES student ON DELETE CASCADE ); thanks for any help on this.. Michael