I resend this post because I can't find any answer for this... I try and
try but can't find how to do this.
Hi all!
I'm new on postgres stuffs... I'm trying to create several functions to
encapsulate "bussines procedures"... actually I need to return a cursor
to php, and these cursor will be returned by stored procedure in
This is the "head" of function:
create or replace function match(refcursor,int8) returns
refcursor as ' DECLARE
vid ALIAS FOR $2;
vcursor ALIAS FOR $1;
return vcursor;
And this is php call:
$conn = pg_pconnect ($conn_string);
matche('cursorsalida',$identificador); fetch all in cursorsalida; ";
$result = pg_query ($conn, $qry);
$num = pg_num_rows($result);
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$r = pg_fetch_row($result, $i);
The problem with this is than I need to pass the cursor to the
function... when I try to create a function who doesn't receive a
"refcursor" (only "return" the refcursor), I can't use the cursor! I
think I'm not doing this in the best way... actually this works fine,
but I don't want to pass by parameter a cursor...
Thanks in advance!
Fernando O. Papa