Thread: Re: Web hosting list

Re: Web hosting list

Manuel Lemos

>Does anyone know of a good list of webhosts who support postgresql and php?

My provider supports any database you need, even in a virtual server, as long you don�t require root permissions and
don�texceed the disk space you contracted. I have both PostgreSQL and MySQL on my virtual server account. I even
managedto compile my own version of the Apache executable with PHP with the options I need. 

It is not very expensive. My option costs $59USD per month with all this flexibility and more, but to get that you may
getas low as US$39 if you don�t need things like unlimited pop mailboxes and stuf like that. 

I have a very busy site hosted in my virtual server that you may know about: the PHP Classes Repository. Since I have
goodPHP and database knowledge I even help people to get started and with advice but their technical support is already
goodas it is. 

If you would like to take a look, just go in here:

Feel free to mail me back if you have questions or need advice regarding how to get the options you need for your

Manuel Lemos

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