Thread: I'm a Linux RH6.2 user

I'm a Linux RH6.2 user

"Anshuman Das"
I'm a Linux RH6.2 user. I want to run PHP with postgreSQL. I'm facing some problems. Kindly help me:
1) How to run postmaster? usr/bin/postmaster is saying that: unable to find systemdata or unable to open "/usr/include/pgsql//base/template 1/pg_class"
error:postmaster does not know to find the database system data.You must
specify the directory that contains the database system either by
specifying the -D invocation or by setting the PGDATA environment

2) pg_connect() cannot find postgreSQL server.
error:Connection to database 'postgres' failed.connectDB() failed: Is the
postmaster running and accepting connections     at 'UNIX Socket' on port
3) How to use and configure pg_hba.conf?
PLZ Reply Soon

Re: I'm a Linux RH6.2 user

"Adam Lang"
Like the error said.  You need to start postmaster with the -D attribute to
tell it the location of your database.  Go to documentation at for instructions.

Adam Lang
Systems Engineer
Rutgers Casualty Insurance Company
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anshuman Das" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 1:07 AM
Subject: [PHP] I'm a Linux RH6.2 user

I'm a Linux RH6.2 user. I want to run PHP with postgreSQL. I'm facing some
problems. Kindly help me:

1) How to run postmaster? usr/bin/postmaster is saying that: unable to find
systemdata or unable to open "/usr/include/pgsql//base/template 1/pg_class"

error:postmaster does not know to find the database system data.You must
specify the directory that contains the database system either by
specifying the -D invocation or by setting the PGDATA environment

2) pg_connect() cannot find postgreSQL server.
error:Connection to database 'postgres' failed.connectDB() failed: Is the
postmaster running and accepting connections     at 'UNIX Socket' on port

3) How to use and configure pg_hba.conf?

PLZ Reply Soon
