Thread: Question re large objects

Question re large objects

(Hopefully I'm addressing this to the right list... This is my first time
with BLOBs anywhere.)

I'm working on a web page template system (PHP/PostgreSQL)
which will (in part, other stuff is done) allow users to upload a gif or
jpeg via a form on another site. The image will then slot into a
predetermined place on their template website.

I've considered the alternatives (store files in a directory or in the
db), and I think storing the image files in the database is the way to
go. Unless anybody can think of why I should just upload the files
to a directory on the server instead of storing them as BLOBs.

I can upload a binary file just fine, and retrieve it from the database
just fine. The problem is that the file (using pg_loreadall) just
plunks itself into my test page as text/plain. How do I get a mime
type header associated with this data so my browser will recognize
it as a gif or jpeg? Do I have to export the file to a web-accessible
directory (owned by web server user, I know) and then use an
<img> tag? Or is there a way to get my browser to recognize that
the BLOB is in fact an image when PHP pulls it out of the
PostgreSQL database?

Be gentle if I've asked a stupid question... :-)

Christopher Wood, Community Access Technical Coordinator
Western Valley Development Authority
Nova Scotia's Smart Community
Box 251 Bridgetown, Nova Scotia  B0S 1C0
tel: (902) 665-4083/ fax: (902) 665-2878

RE: Question re large objects

"Justin Long"
Point #1: I've heard rumors that BLOBs have been buggy in the past (I'm
using 7.0 right now...).

Point #2: I would be interested in knowing if you come up with a way to do
this. Right now we have a large web site with databases of over 10GB and
many image files. We are storing them on a single shared directory on one
server as we can't find any way to do what you are saying...

Of course, I've never asked anyone for help, either, so kudos for your


Justin Long

Justin Long                Network for Strategic Missions
1732 South Park Court        Never retreat. Never surrender.
Chesapeake, VA 23320, USA    Never cut a deal with a dragon.
757-213-2055, ICQ 97269932
Monday Morning Reality Check:

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 12:26 PM
Subject: [PHP] Question re large objects

(Hopefully I'm addressing this to the right list... This is my first time
with BLOBs anywhere.)

I'm working on a web page template system (PHP/PostgreSQL)
which will (in part, other stuff is done) allow users to upload a gif or
jpeg via a form on another site. The image will then slot into a
predetermined place on their template website.

I've considered the alternatives (store files in a directory or in the
db), and I think storing the image files in the database is the way to
go. Unless anybody can think of why I should just upload the files
to a directory on the server instead of storing them as BLOBs.

I can upload a binary file just fine, and retrieve it from the database
just fine. The problem is that the file (using pg_loreadall) just
plunks itself into my test page as text/plain. How do I get a mime
type header associated with this data so my browser will recognize
it as a gif or jpeg? Do I have to export the file to a web-accessible
directory (owned by web server user, I know) and then use an
<img> tag? Or is there a way to get my browser to recognize that
the BLOB is in fact an image when PHP pulls it out of the
PostgreSQL database?

Be gentle if I've asked a stupid question... :-)

Christopher Wood, Community Access Technical Coordinator
Western Valley Development Authority
Nova Scotia's Smart Community
Box 251 Bridgetown, Nova Scotia  B0S 1C0
tel: (902) 665-4083/ fax: (902) 665-2878

Re: Question re large objects

"Mitch Vincent"
> (Hopefully I'm addressing this to the right list... This is my first time
> with BLOBs anywhere.)
> I'm working on a web page template system (PHP/PostgreSQL)
> which will (in part, other stuff is done) allow users to upload a gif or
> jpeg via a form on another site. The image will then slot into a
> predetermined place on their template website.
> I've considered the alternatives (store files in a directory or in the
> db), and I think storing the image files in the database is the way to
> go. Unless anybody can think of why I should just upload the files
> to a directory on the server instead of storing them as BLOBs.

In 7.0.X there is a limit on the size of tuples, 32k, and some images could
easily be bigger than that (though it depends on your images I guess). 7.1
will be out shortly after the first of the year and will take care of this

Depending on the use of these images, I'd think up a naming scheme and store
them as flat-files and perhaps store the image name or something in the
database... You could still display a link to the images but the link would
have to be to a PHP (or other) script that would grab the image from the
database, set the MIME type and display it to the browser -- you couldn't
have it in an HTML document without first writing it to a flat file (at
least I don't know of a way you could display it in an HTML document) .

> I can upload a binary file just fine, and retrieve it from the database
> just fine. The problem is that the file (using pg_loreadall) just
> plunks itself into my test page as text/plain. How do I get a mime
> type header associated with this data so my browser will recognize
> it as a gif or jpeg? Do I have to export the file to a web-accessible
> directory (owned by web server user, I know) and then use an
> <img> tag? Or is there a way to get my browser to recognize that
> the BLOB is in fact an image when PHP pulls it out of the
> PostgreSQL database?

The MIME type is image/jpeg for jpegs and image/gif for gifs. Use PHP's
header() function.

> Be gentle if I've asked a stupid question... :-)

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers!


RE: Question re large objects

"Justin Long"
The tuple limit is the reason why we created a function for writing large
text files to a database. Here's the function we use:

function inject($id, $text) {
// this function splits the article, $text, into 4k chunks and stores it.
    global $db;
    $rs = db_exec("SELECT * FROM article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%'");    // check
to see if the text exists
    if ($rs) {
        db_exec("DELETE FROM article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%'");        // delete old
text if it does
    while ($text != "") {
        if (strlen($text) <= 4096) {
            $string = $text;
            $text = "";
        } else {
            $x = 4096;
            while (substr($text,$x,1) != "\n" && $x > 0) { $x = $x - 1; }
            if ($x==0) {
                $x = 4096;
                while (substr($text,$x,1) != " " && $x > 0) { $x = $x - 1; }
            $string = substr($text,0,$x);
            $text = substr($text,$x+1);
        $string = trim($string);
        if ($string!="") {
            $blockid = $id . "-" . substr("00".$row,-2);
            $len = strlen($id);
            $kbid = str_replace("KB","",$id);
            if (strpos($kbid,":")) { $kbid = substr($kbid,0,strpos($kbid,":")); }
            if (!$kbid) { $string = addslashes($string); }
            if ($len > strlen($kbid)) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO article (kbid,textid,article) VALUES
            } else {
                db_exec("INSERT INTO article (textid,article) VALUES

function retrieve($id) {
// this function retrieves and concatenates the files.
    $rs = db_exec("SELECT * from article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%' ORDER BY
textid");    // check to see if text exists
    if ($rs) {
        while ($row < pg_numrows($rs)) {
            $rec = pg_fetch_object($rs,$row);
            $string = $string . $rec->article;
    } else {

It's likely, with a little bit of tweaking, that these functions could be
used to store image files?


Re: Question re large objects

"Mitch Vincent"
Sure, you could break the image up into pieces -- you just need to be sure
you put every byte right back where you got it in the whole image.. All in
all I think storing images for display on web pages in any database is much
more trouble than it's worth...

A flat file system with a naming scheme should work rather well (I use
something like this in several applications to deal with MS-Word documents
and the like).. You could even store the image as a flat-file and stick the
name and path in the directory, that way you could grab the link right out
of the database and display it.. This approach requires you have a directory
for each user so that they can have files named the same thing, that or you
can put some ID in the file name to identify it's owner (you'll have
directories for each user anyway I would assume).

Good luck!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin Long" <>
To: "Pgsql-Php" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Question re large objects

> The tuple limit is the reason why we created a function for writing large
> text files to a database. Here's the function we use:
> function inject($id, $text) {
> // this function splits the article, $text, into 4k chunks and stores it.
> global $db;
> $rs = db_exec("SELECT * FROM article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%'"); // check
> to see if the text exists
> if ($rs) {
> db_exec("DELETE FROM article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%'"); // delete old
> text if it does
> }
> $row=1;
> $string="";
> while ($text != "") {
> if (strlen($text) <= 4096) {
> $string = $text;
> $text = "";
> } else {
> $x = 4096;
> while (substr($text,$x,1) != "\n" && $x > 0) { $x = $x - 1; }
> if ($x==0) {
> $x = 4096;
> while (substr($text,$x,1) != " " && $x > 0) { $x = $x - 1; }
> }
> $string = substr($text,0,$x);
> $text = substr($text,$x+1);
> }
> $string = trim($string);
> if ($string!="") {
> $blockid = $id . "-" . substr("00".$row,-2);
> $len = strlen($id);
> $kbid = str_replace("KB","",$id);
> if (strpos($kbid,":")) { $kbid = substr($kbid,0,strpos($kbid,":")); }
> if (!$kbid) { $string = addslashes($string); }
> if ($len > strlen($kbid)) {
> $sql = "INSERT INTO article (kbid,textid,article) VALUES
> ('$kbid','$blockid','$string')";
> db_exec($sql);
> } else {
> db_exec("INSERT INTO article (textid,article) VALUES
> ('$blockid','$string')");
> }
> }
> $row++;
> }
> }
> function retrieve($id) {
> // this function retrieves and concatenates the files.
> $rs = db_exec("SELECT * from article WHERE textid LIKE '$id-%' ORDER BY
> textid"); // check to see if text exists
> if ($rs) {
> $row=0;
> $string="";
> while ($row < pg_numrows($rs)) {
> $rec = pg_fetch_object($rs,$row);
> $string = $string . $rec->article;
> $row++;
> }
> } else {
> $string="";
> }
> return($string);
> }
> It's likely, with a little bit of tweaking, that these functions could be
> used to store image files?
> Justin

Re: Question re large objects

Stephen van Egmond
Date: ( wrote:
> I've considered the alternatives (store files in a directory or in the
> db), and I think storing the image files in the database is the way to
> go. Unless anybody can think of why I should just upload the files
> to a directory on the server instead of storing them as BLOBs.

Because you will lose the images when you do a restore from backup.
And you will have to restore from backup eventually, count on it.

On the other hand, if your service will ever grow to more than one
computer doing HTTP service (i.e. load balancing), you will have to
have the items in the database or resort to unsightly things like NFS.

If you expect your site to get big or be busy, you will have to come up
with a way (preferably an abstraction on top of pg_lo* functions) that
will preserve the BLOBs in the database so that when you do a reload,
you can pump in the BLOBs as well and connect their *new* OIDs with the
appropriate table.  Because the OIDs will change when you reload.

You do have a backup plan, right?

> plunks itself into my test page as text/plain. How do I get a mime
> type header associated with this data so my browser will recognize
> it as a gif or jpeg?

Store the content type in the database along with the file data. When
you pull it out, use:

        header("Content-type: $mime");

      (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo------------ --- -- - - -  -
| Stephen van Egmond

Re: Question re large objects


Christopher Wood, Community Access Technical Coordinator
Western Valley Development Authority
Nova Scotia's Smart Community
Box 251 Bridgetown, Nova Scotia  B0S 1C0
tel: (902) 665-4083/ fax: (902) 665-2878

Re: Question re large objects

(Sorry about that. This text didn't go through the first time.)

Thanks to all for your help. Because of 1) the speed issue and 2)
the backup issue, I now think that flat-file storage with the
filenames in the database is the way to go (with the directory prefix
in a variable in the PHP script). Eric Cestari's way would have been
neat, though. :-)

Christopher Wood, Community Access Technical Coordinator
Western Valley Development Authority
Nova Scotia's Smart Community
Box 251 Bridgetown, Nova Scotia  B0S 1C0
tel: (902) 665-4083/ fax: (902) 665-2878

Re: Question re large objects

"Mitch Vincent"
> Because you will lose the images when you do a restore from backup.
> And you will have to restore from backup eventually, count on it.

I think one should always plan for the worst case scenerio, that's exactly
thye you do backups, so you don't lose data.. Why would he lose data if he's
preforming backups and restored from that backup..

Unless the backup wasn't preformed or failed in some way, he wouldn't lose
any data..

> On the other hand, if your service will ever grow to more than one
> computer doing HTTP service (i.e. load balancing), you will have to
> have the items in the database or resort to unsightly things like NFS.

Again, I always think one should make an application scaleable but having
said that, I think what you're mentioning here is a cart before the horse
situation. Even saying he needed to load balance I'd never use NFS, ever.
Large RAID arrays and such could provide all the storage needed --
especially since we're just talking about images here.

> If you expect your site to get big or be busy, you will have to come up
> with a way (preferably an abstraction on top of pg_lo* functions) that
> will preserve the BLOBs in the database so that when you do a reload,
> you can pump in the BLOBs as well and connect their *new* OIDs with the
> appropriate table.  Because the OIDs will change when you reload.
> You do have a backup plan, right?

I'd suggest that you don't use OIDs as binding record IDs, make another
integer field for that. There is an option to pg_dump to preserve OIDs even
if you do.


Re: Question re large objects

Stephen van Egmond
Mitch Vincent ( wrote:

> > Because you will lose the images when you do a restore from backup.
> > And you will have to restore from backup eventually, count on it.
> I think one should always plan for the worst case scenerio, that's exactly
> thye you do backups, so you don't lose data.. Why would he lose data if he's
> preforming backups and restored from that backup..

BLOBs are not dumped from pgsql.

This might be because there's no valid SQL to create BLOBs, and since
pgsql dumps are supposed to be SQL, it just doesn't work.

> Again, I always think one should make an application scaleable but having
> said that, I think what you're mentioning here is a cart before the horse
> situation. Even saying he needed to load balance I'd never use NFS, ever.
> Large RAID arrays and such could provide all the storage needed --
> especially since we're just talking about images here.

I'm referring to multiple serving machines due to CPU or local disk

> I'd suggest that you don't use OIDs as binding record IDs, make another
> integer field for that. There is an option to pg_dump to preserve OIDs even
> if you do.

I don't think you understand large objects.  When you create one, you
get an OID. When you want to retrieve it, you hand it the OID.
End of story.  And, again, they are dumped by pg_dump.

Re: Question re large objects

"Mitch Vincent"
> BLOBs are not dumped from pgsql.

OK, that makes sense -- I do a file system backup though, in addition to

> This might be because there's no valid SQL to create BLOBs, and since
> pgsql dumps are supposed to be SQL, it just doesn't work.
> I don't think you understand large objects.  When you create one, you
> get an OID. When you want to retrieve it, you hand it the OID.
> End of story.  And, again, they are dumped by pg_dump.

You're right, I didn't understand large objects (never had any reason to use
them), I thought PG implemented BLOBs as a data type like *gulp* MySQL
*gulp*. I shouldn't have opened my mouth until I educated myself on them...

It seems that large objects are quite useless if you can't dump the data
(since as you point out, it's not SQL) though I guess a filesystem backup
would still work.. They sound like a disaster waiting to happen, glad I
haven't needed them...

An additional note (now that I read about Large Objects) it seems they're
broken up into different tuples so I guess they're total size isn't limited
by the BLCKSZ eh'?

Oh well, I still like flat-file storage for Christopher's project, even more
so now...

Thanks for pointing out my ignorance on this subject, I learned something.


RE: Question re large objects

I'm in the (slow) process of writing a tutorial for this sort of thing (ie
how to do it etc).
This has probably been discussed before, but I'm looking for some positives
& negatives for storing files in the database (I think you can use a switch
on dump which dumps EVERYTHING, but I could be wrong), and some positives &
negatives for outside the database in a seperate directory.
Can someone send me some pointers & experiences :) (It doesn't have to go
back to the list if no-one else is interested).
Thanks & Regards,
Chris Smith

Re: Question re large objects

"Mitch Vincent"
Well, as I said before I really just don't like the idea of storing binary
files or even large text files in a RDBMS (which was reinforced by my
learning a little about large objects)..

    I have written several applications for the recruiting industry and have
stored text resumes in the database (with a MS-Word doc counterpart as a
flat-file) and found that works rather well. The only reason that I stored
the resumes in the database was so I could search them with ease.. The tuple
size being BLCKSZ hindered that a bit but I've been limping by with the
BLCKSZ increased to 32k, oddly enough there is a thread on -HACKERS on why
that might not be such a great idea. Regardless --  this tuple size problem
will be squished with TOAST in 7.1 within the next few months.

    Binary files have a tendency to be much larger than ASCII text files and
generally you're not going to perform any searching on them, at least not
with SQL, so I'm left seeing only problems and overhead associated with
storing binary files in the database... I'm sure there are some situations
where storing them in the database might be the best option but I haven't
run into that situation yet.. With the MS-Word resumes, I store them in a
common directory (they can only have 1 in the application I'm speaking of )
and they're named with their ID, which is taken from the ID of the
applicants record in the database. That's easy enough to do and it would be
just a little more work to be able to store multiple resumes in the same
directory for the same person as the ID is always unique (adding a -1 -2 etc
to the filename would be a quick way to store multiples)..

Just my opinion and as we've seen, I can be and often am --- wrong! :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <>
To: "Pgsql-Php" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Question re large objects

> I'm in the (slow) process of writing a tutorial for this sort of thing (ie
> how to do it etc).
> This has probably been discussed before, but I'm looking for some
> & negatives for storing files in the database (I think you can use a
> on dump which dumps EVERYTHING, but I could be wrong), and some positives
> negatives for outside the database in a seperate directory.
> Can someone send me some pointers & experiences :) (It doesn't have to go
> back to the list if no-one else is interested).
> Thanks & Regards,
> ------------------------
> Chris Smith

Re: Question re large objects

Stephen van Egmond
Chris ( wrote:
> I'm in the (slow) process of writing a tutorial for this sort of thing (ie
> how to do it etc).
> This has probably been discussed before, but I'm looking for some positives
> & negatives for storing files in the database (I think you can use a switch
> on dump which dumps EVERYTHING, but I could be wrong), and some positives &
> negatives for outside the database in a seperate directory.
> Can someone send me some pointers & experiences :) (It doesn't have to go
> back to the list if no-one else is interested).

Pros to using large objects:
- makes your system scalable (i.e. many HTTP servers)
- clean

- not currently dumpable
- user interface is a tiny bit tricky (possibly due to gaps in the php docs)
- introduces performance bottlenecks if you have many files coming out
  of the RDBMS, as opposed to using flat files.

pg_dump will not dump large objects under any circumstances.  Read the manual.

All of the above cons can be eliminated with some amount of work.  You
can avoid unpleasant surprises by building an abstraction on top of
lowrite and loread, e.g.

pg_associate('Product', 'product_id', $product_id, 'product_image', $image_filename);

pg_find_association('Product', 'product_id', $product_id,

would be for this table:

    product_id (...) primary key,
    product_image oid

You can implement associate() to store the file and association
information somewhere in the filesystem, and make up a restore script
that will pump this saved information back into the db.

Re: Question re large objects

Alexey Borzov
Greetings, chriswood!

At 28.11.2000, 11:00, you wrote:
cwc> I'm working on a web page template system (PHP/PostgreSQL)
cwc> which will (in part, other stuff is done) allow users to upload a gif or
cwc> jpeg via a form on another site. The image will then slot into a
cwc> predetermined place on their template website.

cwc> I've considered the alternatives (store files in a directory or in the
cwc> db), and I think storing the image files in the database is the way to
cwc> go. Unless anybody can think of why I should just upload the files
cwc> to a directory on the server instead of storing them as BLOBs.
     Well, there is one (huge) reason - speed. Besides, current BLOB
support in pgsql is not too good:
1) You can't pg_dump BLOBs,
2) For _each_ BLOB _two_ files are created in database dir.

     So, my advice would be to store images in filesystem and to store
paths to them in DB.

Yours, Alexey V. Borzov, Webmaster of RDW

Re: Question re large objects

"Aristeu Gil Alves Junior"
Hash: SHA1

I´ve found some material, but I have not implemented on a large scale

Best Regards.
Aristeu Gil Alves Junior<>
IT Analyst
Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Chris <>
To: Pgsql-Php <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 8:02 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Question re large objects

>I'm in the (slow) process of writing a tutorial for this sort of
>thing (ie  how to do it etc).
>This has probably been discussed before, but I'm looking for some
>positives  & negatives for storing files in the database (I think
>you can use a switch  on dump which dumps EVERYTHING, but I could be
>wrong), and some positives &  negatives for outside the database in
>a seperate directory.
>Can someone send me some pointers & experiences :) (It doesn't have
>to go  back to the list if no-one else is interested).
>Thanks & Regards,
>Chris Smith

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>
