Thread: parallelisation provides postgres performance (script example + ppt slides)

parallelisation provides postgres performance (script example + ppt slides)

"Graeme B. Bell"
Hi all,

1. For those that don't like par_psql (, here's an alternative approach that uses the
GnuParallel command to organise parallelism for queries that take days to run usually. Short script and GIS-focused,
butmay give you a few ideas about how to parallelise your own code with Gnu Parallel.

2. Also, I gave a talk at FOSS4G Como about these tools, and how to get better performance from your DB with
parallelisation.May be helpful to people who are new to parallelisation / multi-core work with postgres.

Graeme Bell.

p.s.  (this version of the slides still has a few typos, which will be fixed soon when I get the source ppts back from
mycolleague's laptop).