Thread: Unexpected slow query time when joining small table with large table

Unexpected slow query time when joining small table with large table

Ryan LeCompte
Hello all!

I'm new to postgresql, so please bear with me. First of all, I have
the following settings enabled in my postgresql.conf file:

shared_buffers = 2GB
work_mem = 2GB
maintenance_work_mem = 4GB
checkpoint_segments = 50
random_page_cost = 3.5
cpu_tuple_cost = 0.1
effective_cache_size = 48GB

I am trying to join a small table containing 127,375 records with a
larger table containing 4,830,840 records. The follow query currently
takes about 300ms:

select bigtable.a, bigtable.b, bigtable.c, count(*) from smalltable,
bigtable where = smalltable.user_id and smalltable.utc
between 1325376000000 and 1326721600000 group by bigtable.a,
bigtable.b, bigtable.c;

There's an index on the smalltable.utc field, and is the
primary key for that table.

Here's the result of running explain analyze:

 HashAggregate  (cost=227061.05..227063.45 rows=24 width=6) (actual
time=388.519..388.527 rows=24 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.85..226511.95 rows=54911 width=6) (actual
time=0.054..359.969 rows=54905 loops=1)
         ->  Index Scan using smalltable_utc_idx on smalltable
(cost=0.42..7142.13 rows=54911 width=8) (actual time=0.034..28.803
rows=54905 loops=1)
               Index Cond: ((utc >= 1325376000000::bigint) AND (utc <=
         ->  Index Scan using bigtable_pkey on bigtable
(cost=0.43..3.90 rows=1 width=14) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=1
               Index Cond: (id = ht.user_id)
 Total runtime: 388.613 ms
(7 rows)

Time: 389.922 ms

When I do \d+, I see that bigtable is 387MB and smalltable is only
10MB. Is there a way that I can get this query to perform faster? Or
is this the type of performance that I can expect for this type of

Thank you!
