Thread: Adding additional index causes 20,000x slowdown for certain select queries - postgres 9.0.3

Hi all,

We added an index to a table (to support some different functionality) then ran into cases where the new index (on month, bl_number in the schema below) made performance of some existing queries ~20,000 times worse.  While we do have a workaround (using a CTE to force the proper index to be used) that gets us down to ~twice the original performance (i.e. without the new index), I'm wondering if there's a better workaround that can get us closer to the original performance. It also seems like kind of a strange case so I'm wondering if there's something weird going on in the optimizer.  The # of rows estimates are pretty accurate so it's guessing that about right, but the planner seems to be putting way too much weight on using a sorted index vs. looking up. This is all after an analyze.

Near as I can guess the planner seems to be weighting scanning what should be an expected 100k rows (though in practice it will have to do about 35 million, because the assumption of independence between columns is incorrect) given an expected selectivity of 48K rows out of 45 million over scanning ~48k rows (using the index) and doing a top-n 100 sort on them (actual row count is 43k so pretty close on that).  Even giving the optimizer the benefit of column independence I don't see how that first plan could possibly come out ahead.  It would really help if explain would print out the number of rows it expects to scan and analyze would print out the number of rows it actually scanned (instead of just the number that matched the filter/limit), see the expensive query explain analyze output below.

At the bottom I have some info on the contents and probability.

## The original Query:

explain analyze
SELECT customs_records.* FROM "customs_records" WHERE (((buyer_id IS NOT NULL AND buyer_id IN (1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585))))  ORDER BY month DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0;
 Limit  (cost=184626.64..184626.89 rows=100 width=908) (actual time=102.630..102.777 rows=100 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=184626.64..184748.19 rows=48623 width=908) (actual time=102.628..102.683 rows=100 loops=1)
         Sort Key: month
         Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 132kB
         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on customs_records  (cost=1054.22..182768.30 rows=48623 width=908) (actual time=5.809..44.832 rows=43352 loops=1)
               Recheck Cond: ((buyer_id IS NOT NULL) AND (buyer_id = ANY ('{1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585}'::integer[])))
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on index_customs_records_on_buyer_id  (cost=0.00..1042.07 rows=48623 width=0) (actual time=4.588..4.588 rows=43352 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: ((buyer_id IS NOT NULL) AND (buyer_id = ANY ('{1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585}'::integer[])))
 Total runtime: 102.919 ms

## Same query after adding the new index
### NOTE - it would be very useful here if explain would print out the number of rows it expects to scan in the index and analyze dumped out the number of rows actually scanned.  Instead analyze is printing the rows actually outputed and explain appears to be outputting the number of rows expected to match the filter ignoring the limit... (it exactly matches the row count in the query above)

explain analyze
SELECT customs_records.* FROM "customs_records" WHERE (((buyer_id IS NOT NULL AND buyer_id IN (1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585))))  ORDER BY month DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0;
 Limit  (cost=0.00..161295.58 rows=100 width=908) (actual time=171344.185..3858893.743 rows=100 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan Backward using index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number on customs_records  (cost=0.00..78426750.74 rows=48623 width=908) (actual time=171344.182..3858893.588 rows=100 loops=1)
         Filter: ((buyer_id IS NOT NULL) AND (buyer_id = ANY ('{1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585}'::integer[])))
 Total runtime: 3858893.908 ms

My workaround is to use a CTE query to force the planner to not use the month index for sorting (using a subselect is not enough since the planner is too smart for that). However this is still twice as slow as the original query...

explain analyze
with foo as (select customs_records.* FROM "customs_records" WHERE (((buyer_id IS NOT NULL AND buyer_id IN (1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585))))) select * from foo order by month desc limit 100 ;
 Limit  (cost=185599.10..185599.35 rows=100 width=5325) (actual time=196.968..197.105 rows=100 loops=1)
   CTE foo
     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on customs_records  (cost=1054.22..182768.30 rows=48623 width=908) (actual time=5.765..43.489 rows=43352 loops=1)
           Recheck Cond: ((buyer_id IS NOT NULL) AND (buyer_id = ANY ('{1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585}'::integer[])))
           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on index_customs_records_on_buyer_id  (cost=0.00..1042.07 rows=48623 width=0) (actual time=4.544..4.544 rows=43352 loops=1)
                 Index Cond: ((buyer_id IS NOT NULL) AND (buyer_id = ANY ('{1172672,1570888,1336461,1336464,1336471,1189285,1336463,1336460,1654709,1000155646,1191114,1336480,1336479,1000384928,1161787,1811495,1507188,1159339,1980765,1200258,1980770,1980768,1980767,1980769,1980766,1980772,1000350850,1000265917,1980764,1980761,1170019,1980762,1184356,1985585}'::integer[])))
   ->  Sort  (cost=2830.80..2952.35 rows=48623 width=5325) (actual time=196.966..197.029 rows=100 loops=1)
         Sort Key: foo.month
         Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 132kB
         ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..972.46 rows=48623 width=5325) (actual time=5.770..153.322 rows=43352 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 207.282 ms

#### Table information

Table information - the schema is the table below (with some columns removed for succinctness).  There are ~45 million rows, the rows are also fairly wide about 80 columns total. buyer_id is null ~30% of the time (as is supplier_id). A given buyer id maps to between 1 and ~100,000 records (in a decreasing distribution, about 1 million unique buyer id values).  Supplier_id is similar.  Note buyer_id and month columns are not always independent (for some buyer_ids there is a strong correlation as in this case where the buyer_ids are associated with only older months, though for others there isn't), though even so I'm still not clear on why it would pick the plan that it does. We can consider these table never updated or inserted into (updates are done in a new db offline that is periodically swapped in).

                                          Table "public.customs_records"

          Column          |          Type          |                          Modifiers                          
 id                       | integer                | not null default nextval('customs_records_id_seq'::regclass)
 bl_number                | character varying(16)  |
 month                    | date                   |
 buyer_id                 | integer                |
 supplier_id              | integer                |
    "customs_records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) WITH (fillfactor=100)
    "index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number" UNIQUE, btree (month, bl_number) WITH (fillfactor=100)
    "index_customs_records_on_buyer_id" btree (buyer_id) WITH (fillfactor=100) WHERE buyer_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_customs_records_on_supplier_id_and_buyer_id" btree (supplier_id, buyer_id) WITH (fillfactor=100) CLUSTER

db version =>
 PostgreSQL 9.0.3 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit
 (enterprise db build)
ubuntu 8.04 LTS is the host

On 03/15/2011 01:23 PM, Timothy Garnett wrote:

>           Column          |          Type
> --------------------------+------------------------+
>  id                       | integer                |
>  bl_number                | character varying(16)  |
>  month                    | date                   |
>  buyer_id                 | integer                |
>  supplier_id              | integer                |

Ok. In your table description, you don't really talk about the
distribution of bl_number. But this part of your query:


Is probably tricking the planner into using that index. But there's the
fun thing about dates: we almost always want them in order of most
recent to least recent. So you might want to try again with your
index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number declared like this instead:

CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
     ON customs_records (month DESC, bl_number);

Or, if bl_number is more selective anyway, but you need both columns for
other queries and you want this one to ignore it:

CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
     ON customs_records (bl_number, month DESC);

Either way, I bet you'll find that your other queries that use this
index are also doing a backwards index scan, which will always be slower
by about two orders of magnitude, since backwards reads act basically
like random reads.

The effect you're getting is clearly exaggerated, and I've run into it
on occasion for effectively the entire history of PostgreSQL. Normally
increasing the statistics on the affected columns and re-analyzing fixes
it, but on a composite index, that won't necessarily be the case.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 800 | Chicago IL, 60604


for terms and conditions related to this email

Shaun Thomas <> writes:
> Ok. In your table description, you don't really talk about the
> distribution of bl_number. But this part of your query:


> Is probably tricking the planner into using that index. But there's the
> fun thing about dates: we almost always want them in order of most
> recent to least recent. So you might want to try again with your
> index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number declared like this instead:

> CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
>      ON customs_records (month DESC, bl_number);

That isn't going to dissuade the planner from using that index for this
query.  It would result in the scan being a forward indexscan instead of
backwards.  Now it'd be worth trying that, to see if you and Kevin are
right that it's the backwards aspect that's hurting.  I'm not convinced
though.  I suspect the issue is that the planner is expecting the target
records (the ones selected by the filter condition) to be approximately
equally distributed in the month ordering, but really there is a
correlation which causes them to be much much further back in the index
than it expects.  So a lot more of the index has to be scanned than it's

> Or, if bl_number is more selective anyway, but you need both columns for
> other queries and you want this one to ignore it:

> CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
>      ON customs_records (bl_number, month DESC);

Flipping bl_number around to the front would prevent this index from
being used in this way, but it might also destroy the usefulness of the
index for its intended purpose.  Tim didn't show us the queries he
wanted this index for, so it's hard to say if he can fix it by
redefining the index or not.

            regards, tom lane

Hi all,

The bl_number is nearly a unique value per a row (some small portion are duplicated on a handful or rows).

We need the unique on pair of bl_number and month, but evaluating current usage we don't make use of selecting on just month currently (though we expect to have usage scenarios that do that in the not too distant future, i.e. pulling out all the records that match a given month date).  But for the time being we've gone with the suggestion here of flipping the order of the index columns to (bl_number, month) which rescues the original performance (since the new index can no longer be used with the query).

We'd still be interested in other suggestions for convincing the query planner not to pick the bad plan in this case (since we'll eventually need an index on month) without having to use the slower CTE form.  To me the problem seems two fold,
 (1) planner doesn't know there's a correlation between month and particular buyer_ids (some are randomly distributed across month)
 (2) even in cases where there isn't a correlation (not all of our buyer id's are correlated with month) it still seems really surprising to me the planner thought this plan would be faster, the estimated selectivity of the buyer fields is 48k / 45million ~ 1/1000 so for limit 100 it should expect to backward index scan ~100K rows, vs. looking up the expected 48k rows and doing a top-100 sort on them, I'd expect the latter plan to be faster in almost all situations (unless we're clustered on month perhaps, but we're actually clustered on supplier_id, buyer_id which would favor the latter plan as well I'd think).

(an aside) there's also likely some benefit from clustering in the original plan before the new index, since we cluster on supplier_id, buyer_id and a given buyer_id while having up to 100k rows will generally only have a few supplier ids


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Shaun Thomas <> wrote:
On 03/15/2011 01:23 PM, Timothy Garnett wrote:

         Column          |          Type
 id                       | integer                |

 bl_number                | character varying(16)  |
 month                    | date                   |
 buyer_id                 | integer                |
 supplier_id              | integer                |

Ok. In your table description, you don't really talk about the distribution of bl_number. But this part of your query:


Is probably tricking the planner into using that index. But there's the fun thing about dates: we almost always want them in order of most recent to least recent. So you might want to try again with your index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number declared like this instead:

CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
   ON customs_records (month DESC, bl_number);

Or, if bl_number is more selective anyway, but you need both columns for other queries and you want this one to ignore it:

CREATE INDEX index_customs_records_on_month_and_bl_number
   ON customs_records (bl_number, month DESC);

Either way, I bet you'll find that your other queries that use this index are also doing a backwards index scan, which will always be slower by about two orders of magnitude, since backwards reads act basically like random reads.

The effect you're getting is clearly exaggerated, and I've run into it on occasion for effectively the entire history of PostgreSQL. Normally increasing the statistics on the affected columns and re-analyzing fixes it, but on a composite index, that won't necessarily be the case.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 800 | Chicago IL, 60604


for terms and conditions related to this email

Timothy Garnett <> wrote:

> We'd still be interested in other suggestions for convincing the
> query planner not to pick the bad plan in this case

You could try boosting cpu_tuple_cost.  I've seen some evidence that
the default number is a bit low in general, so it wouldn't
necessarily be bad to try your whole load with a higher setting.  If
that doesn't work you could set it for the one query.  If that
setting alone doesn't do it, you could either decrease both page
cost numbers or multiply all the cpu numbers (again, probably
boosting cpu_tuple_cost relative to the others).


Thanks, we'll give these a try.


On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Kevin Grittner <> wrote:
Timothy Garnett <> wrote:

> We'd still be interested in other suggestions for convincing the
> query planner not to pick the bad plan in this case

You could try boosting cpu_tuple_cost.  I've seen some evidence that
the default number is a bit low in general, so it wouldn't
necessarily be bad to try your whole load with a higher setting.  If
that doesn't work you could set it for the one query.  If that
setting alone doesn't do it, you could either decrease both page
cost numbers or multiply all the cpu numbers (again, probably
boosting cpu_tuple_cost relative to the others).


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> That isn't going to dissuade the planner from using that index for this
> query.  It would result in the scan being a forward indexscan instead of
> backwards.  Now it'd be worth trying that, to see if you and Kevin are
> right that it's the backwards aspect that's hurting.  I'm not convinced
> though.  I suspect the issue is that the planner is expecting the target
> records (the ones selected by the filter condition) to be approximately
> equally distributed in the month ordering, but really there is a
> correlation which causes them to be much much further back in the index
> than it expects.  So a lot more of the index has to be scanned than it's
> expecting.

This has got to be one of the five most frequently reported planner
problems, and it's nearly always with a *backward* index scan.  So I
agree with Kevin that we probably ought to have a Todo to make
backward index scans look more expensive than forward index scans,
maybe related in some way to the correlation estimates for the
relevant columns.

But I don't really think that's the root of the problem.  When
confronted with this type of query, you can either filter-then-sort,
or index-scan-in-desired-order-then-filter.  I think the heart of the
problem is that we're able to estimate the cost of the first plan much
more accurately than the cost of the second one.  In many cases, the
filter is done using a sequential scan, which is easy to cost, and
even if it's done using a bitmap index scan the cost of that is also
pretty simple to estimate, as long as our selectivity estimate is
somewhere in the ballpark.  The cost of the sort depends primarily on
how many rows we need to sort, and if the qual is something like an
equality condition, as in this case, then we'll know that pretty
accurately as well.  So we're good.

On the other hand, when we use an index scan to get the rows in order,
and then apply the filter condition to them, the cost of the index
scan is heavily dependent on how far we have to scan through the
index, and that depends on the distribution of values in the qual
column relative to the distribution of values in the index column.  We
have no data that allow us to estimate that, so we are basically
shooting in the dark.  This is a multi-column statistics problem, but
I think it's actually harder than what we usually mean by multi-column
statistics, where we only need to estimate selectivity.  A system that
can perfectly estimate the selectivity of state = $1 and zipcode = $2
might still be unable to tell us much about how many zipcodes we'd
have to read in ascending order to find a given number in some
particular state.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company