Thread: Re: Function execution consuming lot of memory and eventually making server unresponsive

"Gnanakumar"  wrote:

> We're using PostgreSQL v8.2.3 on RHEL5.

The 8.2 release is up to 8.2.20:

By the way, 8.2 is scheduled to go out of support later this year:

You might want to start planning to upgrade.

> I'm developing a PostgreSQL plpgsql function for one of our
> application report. When I try to run the function multiple times
> (even twice or thrice), I'm seeing considerable amount of memory
> being taken up by PostgreSQL and thereby after sometime, complete
> server itself comes to standstill and not responding at all, even
> am not able to login to my server using PuTTY client. I then end up
> physically restarting the server.

You might want to review the bug fixes since 8.2.3 and see if any
involve memory leaks:
