Thread: how to force hashaggregate plan?

how to force hashaggregate plan?

Slava Moudry


I have two similar queries that calculate "group by" summaries over a huge table (74.6mil rows).

The only difference between two queries is the number of columns that group by is performed on.

This difference is causing two different plans which are vary so very much in performance.

Postgres is 8.4.4. on Linux 64bit. Work_mem is 4GB for both queries and effective_cache_size = 30GB (server has 72GB RAM).

Both queries are 100% time on CPU (data is all in buffer cache or OS cache).

My questions are:

1)      Is there a way to force plan that uses hashaggregate for the second query?

2)      I am not trying to achieve any particular execution time for the query, but I noticed that when "disk sort" kicks in  (and that happens eventually once the dataset is large enough) the query drastically slows down, even if there is no physical IO going on. I wonder if it's possible to have predictable performance rather than sudden drop.

3)      Why hashAggregate plan uses so much less memory (work_mem) than the plan with groupAggregate/sort? HashAggregate plan for Query1 works even with work_mem='2GB'; The second plan decides to use disk sort even with work_mem='4GB'. Why sort is so memory greedy? Are there any plans to address the sorting memory efficiency issues?


Thank you!



explain analyze

smslocate_edw-#   SELECT

smslocate_edw-#     month_code,

smslocate_edw-#     short_code,

smslocate_edw-#     gateway_carrier_id,

smslocate_edw-#     mp_code,

smslocate_edw-#     partner_id,

smslocate_edw-#     master_company_id,

smslocate_edw-#     ad_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_name_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_sports_league_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_sports_alert_type,

smslocate_edw-#     al_widget_id,

smslocate_edw-#     keyword_id, 

smslocate_edw-#     cp_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(message_count,0)),          -- message_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(message_sellable_count,0)), -- message_sellable_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(ad_cost_sum,0)),            -- ad_cost_sum

smslocate_edw-#     NULL::int4, --count(distinct device_number),           -- unique_user_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     NULL::int4, --count(distinct case when message_sellable_count <> 0 then device_number end), -- unique_user_sellable_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     NULL,                                    -- unique_user_first_time_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     1,  -- ALL

smslocate_edw-#     CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

smslocate_edw-#   from staging.agg_phones_monthly_snapshot

smslocate_edw-#   group by

smslocate_edw-#     month_code,

smslocate_edw-#     short_code,

smslocate_edw-#     gateway_carrier_id,

smslocate_edw-#     mp_code,

smslocate_edw-#     partner_id,

smslocate_edw-#     master_company_id,

smslocate_edw-#     ad_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_name_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_sports_league_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sc_sports_alert_type,

smslocate_edw-#     al_widget_id,

smslocate_edw-#     keyword_id, 

smslocate_edw-#     cp_id

smslocate_edw-# ;

                                                                                 QUERY PLAN                                                                




 HashAggregate  (cost=5065227.32..5214455.48 rows=7461408 width=64) (actual time=183289.883..185213.565 rows=2240716 loops=1)

   ->  Append  (cost=0.00..2080664.40 rows=74614073 width=64) (actual time=0.030..58952.749 rows=74614237 loops=1)

         ->  Seq Scan on agg_phones_monthly  (cost=0.00..11.50 rows=1 width=102) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1)

               Filter: (month_code = '2010M04'::bpchar)

         ->  Seq Scan on agg_phones_monthly_2010m04 agg_phones_monthly  (cost=0.00..2080652.90 rows=74614072 width=64) (actual time=0.027..42713.387 rows=74614237 loops=1)

               Filter: (month_code = '2010M04'::bpchar)

 Total runtime: 185519.997 ms

(7 rows)


Time: 185684.396 ms



explain analyze

smslocate_edw-#     SELECT

smslocate_edw-#     month_code,

smslocate_edw-#     gateway_carrier_id,

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(message_count,0)),          -- message_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(message_sellable_count,0)), -- message_sellable_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     sum(coalesce(ad_cost_sum,0)),            -- ad_cost_sum

smslocate_edw-#     count(distinct device_number),           -- unique_user_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     count(distinct case when message_sellable_count <> 0 then device_number end), -- unique_user_sellable_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     NULL,                                    -- unique_user_first_time_cnt

smslocate_edw-#     15, -- CARRIER

smslocate_edw-#     CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

smslocate_edw-#   from staging.agg_phones_monthly_snapshot

smslocate_edw-#   group by

smslocate_edw-#     month_code,

smslocate_edw-#     gateway_carrier_id

smslocate_edw-# ;

                                                                                       QUERY PLAN                                                          




 GroupAggregate  (cost=13877783.42..15371164.88 rows=40000 width=37) (actual time=1689525.151..2401444.441 rows=116 loops=1)

   ->  Sort  (cost=13877783.42..14064318.61 rows=74614073 width=37) (actual time=1664233.243..1716472.931 rows=74614237 loops=1)

         Sort Key: dw.agg_phones_monthly.month_code, dw.agg_phones_monthly.gateway_carrier_id

         Sort Method:  external merge  Disk: 3485424kB

         ->  Result  (cost=0.00..2080664.40 rows=74614073 width=37) (actual time=0.008..84421.927 rows=74614237 loops=1)

               ->  Append  (cost=0.00..2080664.40 rows=74614073 width=37) (actual time=0.007..64724.486 rows=74614237 loops=1)

                     ->  Seq Scan on agg_phones_monthly  (cost=0.00..11.50 rows=1 width=574) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=1)

                           Filter: (month_code = '2010M04'::bpchar)

                     ->  Seq Scan on agg_phones_monthly_2010m04 agg_phones_monthly  (cost=0.00..2080652.90 rows=74614072 width=37) (actual time=0.005..48199.938 rows=74614237 loops=1)

                           Filter: (month_code = '2010M04'::bpchar)

 Total runtime: 2402137.632 ms

(11 rows)


Time: 2402139.642 ms


Re: how to force hashaggregate plan?

Robert Haas
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Slava Moudry <> wrote:
> 1)      Is there a way to force plan that uses hashaggregate for the second
> query?

No, although if you crank work_mem up high enough you should get it, I think.

> 2)      I am not trying to achieve any particular execution time for the
> query, but I noticed that when "disk sort" kicks in  (and that happens
> eventually once the dataset is large enough) the query drastically slows
> down, even if there is no physical IO going on. I wonder if it's possible to
> have predictable performance rather than sudden drop.

No.  The planner has to choose one algorithm or the other - there's
not really a way it can do a mix.

> 3)      Why hashAggregate plan uses so much less memory (work_mem) than the
> plan with groupAggregate/sort? HashAggregate plan for Query1 works even with
> work_mem='2GB'; The second plan decides to use disk sort even with
> work_mem='4GB'. Why sort is so memory greedy? Are there any plans to address
> the sorting memory efficiency issues?

Well, if you select more columns, then the tuples that are buffered in
memory take up more space, right?  Twice the columns = twice the

What I'd be curious to know is how accurate the memory estimates are -
figure out what the lowest value of work_mem needed to get a
particular plan is and then compare that to the amount of memory used
when you execute the query...

Robert Haas
The Enterprise Postgres Company