Thread: Performance 8.4.0

Performance 8.4.0

Chris Dunn



I would like to know if my configuration is ok, We run a web application with high transaction rate and the database machine on Mondays / Tuesdays is always at 100% CPU with no IO/Wait . the machine is a Dual Xeon Quad core, 12gb RAM, 4gb/s Fibre Channel on Netapp SAN, with pg_xlog on separate Lun,

Could you please provide some feedback on the configuration


maintenance_work_mem = 704MB

constraint_exclusion = on

checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9

effective_cache_size = 8GB

work_mem = 72MB

wal_buffers = 8MB

checkpoint_segments = 16

shared_buffers = 2816MB

max_connections = 32


I have limited connections down to 32 as if I put up higher the machine load average goes through the roof and will decrease performance even more.

In the process of looking at a 4 x AMD 6 core Opteron  machine with 32GB Ram to replace if I cannot get any more performance out of this machine


Kind Regards

Christopher Dunn


Re: Performance 8.4.0

Greg Smith
Your settings look reasonable, I'd bump up checkpoint_segments to at least
double where you've got it set at now to lower general overhead a bit.  I
doubt that will help you much though.

If you're at 100% CPU with no I/O wait, typically that means you have some
heavy queries running that are gobbling up your CPU time.  Finding and
improving those will probably buy you more than adjusting server
parameters given that you already have everything in the right general


-Set log_min_duration_statement and analyze the results.  See for more
information about tools that might help.

-Capture snapshots of what the system is doing when it gets bogged down.
I like to run the following periodically:

top -c -b -n 1
psql -c "select * from pg_stat_activity"

"top -c" will show you which processes are gobbling CPU time, and then you
can see more detail about what those processes are doing by matching them
up with the corresponding lines in pg_stat_activity.

If you want more performance out of the hardware you've already, finding
the worst queries and seeing if you can speed them up would be where I'd
start in your case.  It only takes one badly written one to drag the whole
system to crawl if a couple of clients get caught up executing it at the
same time.

* Greg Smith Baltimore, MD

Re: Performance 8.4.0

Robert Haas
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Chris Dunn<> wrote:
> constraint_exclusion = on

This is critical if you need it, but a waste of CPU time if you don't.
 Other than that your paramaters look good.  Are you using the default
page cost settings?  I see you have 12 GB RAM; how big is your


Re: Performance 8.4.0

Stephen Frost
* Robert Haas ( wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Chris Dunn<> wrote:
> > constraint_exclusion = on
> This is critical if you need it, but a waste of CPU time if you don't.
>  Other than that your paramaters look good.  Are you using the default
> page cost settings?  I see you have 12 GB RAM; how big is your
> database?

With 8.4, you can set 'constraint_exclusion = partition', where it'll
handle inheirited tables and UNION ALL queries but not other possible
cases.  It's set that way by default, and is pretty inexpensive to leave
in place (since it only gets tried when it's likely you want it).

I'd recommend setting it to partition under 8.4 rather than disabling it
entirely.  Under older versions, set it to 'off' if you don't need it.


