Thread: pgfouine - commit details?

pgfouine - commit details?

"Josh Cole"

We are using pgfouine to try and optimize our database at this time.  Is there a way to have pgfouine show examples or breakout commits?


Queries that took up the most time

Rank     Total duration    Times executed             Av. duration (s)             Query

1          26m54s             222,305                         0.01                              COMMIT;


Perhaps we need to tweak what is being logged by postgresql?


log_destination = 'syslog'             

logging_collector = on                 

log_directory = 'pg_log'               

log_truncate_on_rotation = on          

log_rotation_age = 1d                  


syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'

syslog_ident = 'postgres'


client_min_messages = notice           

log_min_messages = notice              

log_error_verbosity = default          

log_min_error_statement = notice       

log_min_duration_statement = 2         

#silent_mode = off                     


debug_print_parse = off

debug_print_rewritten = off

debug_print_plan = off

debug_pretty_print = off

log_checkpoints = off

log_connections = off

log_disconnections = off

log_duration = off

log_hostname = off

#log_line_prefix = ''                  

log_lock_waits = on                    

log_statement = 'none'                 

#log_temp_files = -1                   

#log_timezone = unknown                


#track_activities = on

#track_counts = on

#update_process_title = on


#log_parser_stats = off

#log_planner_stats = off

#log_executor_stats = off

#log_statement_stats = off




Re: pgfouine - commit details?

"Guillaume Smet"

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Josh Cole <> wrote:
> We are using pgfouine to try and optimize our database at this time.  Is
> there a way to have pgfouine show examples or breakout commits?

I hesitated before not implementing this idea. The problem is that you
often don't log everything and use log_min_duration_statement and thus
you don't have all the queries of the transaction in your log file
(and you usually don't have the BEGIN; command in the logs).


Re: pgfouine - commit details?

"Josh Cole"
We are shipping the postgres.log to a remote syslog repository to take the I/O burden off our postgresql server.  As such if we set log_min_duration_statement to 0 this allow us to get more detailed information about our commits using pgfouine...correct?

From: Guillaume Smet []
Sent: Tue 5/6/2008 7:31 PM
To: Josh Cole
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] pgfouine - commit details?


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Josh Cole <> wrote:
> We are using pgfouine to try and optimize our database at this time.  Is
> there a way to have pgfouine show examples or breakout commits?

I hesitated before not implementing this idea. The problem is that you
often don't log everything and use log_min_duration_statement and thus
you don't have all the queries of the transaction in your log file
(and you usually don't have the BEGIN; command in the logs).
