A mensagem de email enviada para pgsql-performance@postgresql.org requer confirmação para ser entregue. Por favor, responda este e-mail informando os caracteres que você vê na imagem abaixo.
The email message sent to pgsql-performance@postgresql.org requires a confirmation to be delivered. Please, answer this email informing the characters that you see in the image below.
Não remova a próxima linha / Don't remove next line captchakey:asbTI4NElzUkMwMTAxMTE
petchimuthu lingam escribió:
> VQQ7HE18
Please stop sending this nonsense. These "sending confirmations" are
not necessary -- they are sent by a clueless user whose identity we've
as of yet unable to determine (otherwise we would have kicked him from
the list.)
Alvaro Herrera http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
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