Thread: About autovacuum

About autovacuum

Jean-David Beyer
I have this turned on, and if I look at the log, it runs once a minute,
which is fine.

But what does it do? I.e, it runs VACUUM, but does it also do an analyze?

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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Re: About autovacuum

Bill Moran
In response to Jean-David Beyer <>:

> I have this turned on, and if I look at the log, it runs once a minute,
> which is fine.
> But what does it do? I.e, it runs VACUUM, but does it also do an analyze?

Yes.  If you turn up the debugging level, you'll see detailed log
messages about its activities.

There were discussions on other lists about improving autovacuum's log
messages, I'm pretty sure it will log more helpful information in 8.3.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023