Thread: Trigger vs Rule

Trigger vs Rule

Ключников А.С.
Hi all.

There are two tables:

create table device_types (
id int,
name varchar
about 1000 rows

create table devices (
id int,
type int REFERENCES device_types(id),
name varchar,
data float
about 200000 rows

And about 1000 functions:
create function device_type1(int) returns ..
create function device_type2(int) returns ..
create function device_type1000(int) returns ..

What is faster?

One trigger with 1000 ELSE IF
if old.type=1 then
    select device_type1(;
else if old.type=2 then
    select device_type2(;
else if old.type=1000 then
    select device_type1000(;
end if;

Or 1000 rules
create rule device_type1 AS ON update to devices
    where old.type=1
    DO select device_type1(;
create rule device_type2 AS ON update to devices
    where old.type=2
    DO select device_type2(;
create rule device_type1000 AS ON update to devices
    where old.type=1000
    DO select device_type1000(;


С уважением,
Ключников А.С.

Re: Trigger vs Rule

Niklas Johansson
On 2 apr 2006, at 10.31, Ключников А.С. wrote:
> What is faster?
> One trigger with 1000 ELSE IF
> Or 1000 rules

Faster to write and easier to maintain would be to write a trigger
function in pl/pgsql which executes the right function dynamically:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_device_type() RETURNS trigger AS $$
    EXECUTE "SELECT device_type" || OLD.type || "(";
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Best would probably be to refactor your device_typeN() functions into
one, that would take N as an argument.


Niklas Johansson

Re: Trigger vs Rule

Niklas Johansson
On 2 apr 2006, at 23.08, Niklas Johansson wrote:

> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_device_type() RETURNS trigger AS $$
>     EXECUTE "SELECT device_type" || OLD.type || "(";
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Sorry, I was bitten by the bedbug there: a plpgsql function needs a
little more than that to be functional :)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_device_type() RETURNS trigger AS $$
    EXECUTE 'SELECT device_type' || OLD.type || '(';
    RETURN NEW/OLD/NULL; -- Depending on your application.
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

But really, you should consider reworking your schema structure.
Having a thousand functions doing almost the same thing is neither
efficient, nor maintainable.


Niklas Johansson

Re: Trigger vs Rule

Ключников А.С.
* Niklas Johansson <> [2006-04-03 11:04:25 +0200]:

> On 2 apr 2006, at 23.08, Niklas Johansson wrote:
> >CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_device_type() RETURNS trigger AS $$
> >    EXECUTE "SELECT device_type" || OLD.type || "(";
> >$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> Sorry, I was bitten by the bedbug there: a plpgsql function needs a
> little more than that to be functional :)
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec_device_type() RETURNS trigger AS $$
>     EXECUTE 'SELECT device_type' || OLD.type || '(';
>     RETURN NEW/OLD/NULL; -- Depending on your application.
> END;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> But really, you should consider reworking your schema structure.
> Having a thousand functions doing almost the same thing is neither
> efficient, nor maintainable.
Things are very diferent.
For many types functions not needed, jast update.

I.e. This is a way One trigger with ~1000 else if.
Here was a diametral opinion.
> Sincerely,
> Niklas Johansson

С уважением,
Ключников А.С.
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