Thread: Materializing a sequential scan

Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"

I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1 beta 3 (packages from Debian experimental), and I
have a (rather complex) query that seems to take forever -- when the database
was just installed, it took about 1200ms (which is quite good, considering
that the 7.4 system this runs on today uses about the same time, but has
twice as much CPU power and runs sequential scans up to eight times as fast),
but now I can never even get it to complete. I've tried running it for half
an hour, but it still doesn't complete, so I'm a bit unsure what's going on.

There's a _lot_ of tables and views in here, several hundres lines of SQL,
but experience tells me that posting more is better than posting less, so
here goes. (The data is unfortunately not public since it contains PIN codes
and such, but if anybody asks I can probably send it off-list. It's ~30MB in
plain pg_dump, though.) There might be a few tables that aren't referenced,
but I don't really know a good way to figure out such dependencies
automatically, and I'd guess most of them _are_ used :-) Apologies in advance
for the Norwegian in the names.

=== cut here ===

CREATE TABLE gruppetype (
    gruppetype_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    gruppetype varchar
    gruppe_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    gruppe varchar NOT NULL,
    beskrivelse varchar,
    gruppetype_id integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL REFERENCES gruppetype,
    adminacl varchar,
    aktiv boolean default 't' NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE adgangsskjema (
    adgangsskjema_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    navn varchar NOT NULL,
    rita_navn varchar NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE adgangsskjema_gruppe_kobling (
    gruppe_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES gruppe (gruppe_id),
    adgangsskjema_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES adgangsskjema (adgangsskjema_id),
    PRIMARY KEY (adgangsskjema_id, gruppe_id)
CREATE TABLE kortstatus (
    kortstatus_id smallint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    kortstatus varchar
CREATE TABLE korttype (
    korttype_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    korttype varchar NOT NULL,
    beskrivelse varchar
CREATE TABLE medlemstatus (
    medlemstatus_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    medlemstatus varchar NOT NULL,
    beskrivelse varchar
CREATE TABLE oblattype (
    oblattype_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    oblattype varchar NOT NULL,
    varighet interval NOT NULL
    skole_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    skole varchar NOT NULL,
    beskrivelse varchar
    studie_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    studie varchar NOT NULL,
    beskrivelse varchar
CREATE TABLE poststed (
    postnummer smallint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (postnummer >= 0 AND postnummer <= 9999),
    poststed varchar
CREATE TABLE gruppekobling (
    overgruppe_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES gruppe (gruppe_id),
    undergruppe_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES gruppe (gruppe_id),
    PRIMARY KEY (overgruppe_id, undergruppe_id)
    medlem_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (medlem_id > 0),
    fornavn varchar NOT NULL,
    etternavn varchar NOT NULL,
    hjemadresse varchar,
    hjem_postnummer smallint REFERENCES poststed (postnummer),
    studieadresse varchar,
    studie_postnummer smallint REFERENCES poststed (postnummer),
    fodselsdato date,
    telefon varchar,
    mail varchar UNIQUE,
    passord character(32) NOT NULL,
    registrert date DEFAULT now(),
    oppdatert date DEFAULT now(),
    skole_id integer REFERENCES skole,
    studie_id integer REFERENCES studie,
    medlemstatus_id integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL REFERENCES medlemstatus,
    pinkode smallint CHECK ((pinkode >= 0 AND pinkode <= 9999) OR pinkode IS NULL),
    UNIQUE ( LOWER(mail) )
    kortnummer integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (kortnummer > 0),
    medlem_id integer REFERENCES medlem DEFERRABLE,
    korttype_id integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL REFERENCES korttype,
    serie_registrert date DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    bruker_registrert date,
    kortstatus_id integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL REFERENCES kortstatus
    oblatnummer integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (oblatnummer > 0),
    oblattype_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES oblattype,
    "start" date NOT NULL,
    kortnummer integer REFERENCES kort,
    bruker_registrert date,
    serie_registrert date DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL
    medlem_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES medlem,
    gruppe_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES gruppe,
    "start" date DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    stopp date,

    CHECK ( stopp >= start ),
    PRIMARY KEY ( medlem_id, gruppe_id, "start" )
CREATE TABLE nytt_passord (
    medlem_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES medlem,
    hash varchar NOT NULL,
    tidspunkt date DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
CREATE VIEW gyldige_medlemskap AS
    SELECT medlem_id,MAX("start"+varighet) AS stopp
      FROM kort
      JOIN oblat ON kort.kortnummer=oblat.kortnummer
      NATURAL JOIN oblattype
    WHERE kortstatus_id=1
    AND medlem_id IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY medlem_id
    HAVING MAX("start"+varighet) >= current_date;


CREATE FUNCTION kortsys2.effektiv_dato(date) RETURNS date

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.mdb_personer AS
    SELECT DISTINCT ON (medlem_id) medlem_id,fornavn,etternavn,mail,pinkode,kort.kortnummer AS kortnummer
      FROM medlem
        NATURAL JOIN kort                        -- the member must have an ID card
        kortstatus_id=1                          -- the card must be active
        AND korttype_id IN (2,3)                 -- the card must be an ID card or UKA ID card
        AND pinkode IS NOT NULL                  -- the member must have a PIN
        AND medlem_id IN (                       -- the member must be active in at least one group
          SELECT medlem_id
        FROM verv
        WHERE stopp IS NULL OR stopp >= current_date
        AND medlem_id IN (                       -- the member must have a valid membership
          SELECT medlem_id FROM gyldige_medlemskap
      ORDER BY
        medlem_id,                               -- needed for the DISTINCT
        korttype_id                              -- prioritize ID cards over UKA ID cards
  ) AS t1
  SELECT * FROM eksterne_kort.eksterne_personer;

CREATE TABLE kortsys2.rita_personer (
    medlem_id integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    fornavn varchar NOT NULL,
    etternavn varchar NOT NULL,
    mail varchar NOT NULL,
    pinkode smallint NOT NULL CHECK (pinkode >= 0 AND pinkode <= 9999),
    kortnummer integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE kortsys2.personer_tving_sletting (
    medlem_id integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
CREATE VIEW kortsys2.personer_skal_slettes AS
    SELECT medlem_id
      FROM kortsys2.rita_personer
      WHERE (medlem_id,pinkode,kortnummer) NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id,pinkode,kortnummer
          FROM kortsys2.mdb_personer
      SELECT medlem_id
      FROM kortsys2.personer_tving_sletting;

CREATE TABLE kortsys2.personer_nylig_slettet (
    medlem_id integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.personer_skal_eksporteres AS
        SELECT *
          FROM kortsys2.mdb_personer
          WHERE medlem_id NOT IN (
            SELECT medlem_id FROM kortsys2.rita_personer
      AND medlem_id NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id FROM kortsys2.personer_nylig_slettet

CREATE TABLE kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp (
    overgruppe_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    undergruppe_id INTEGER NOT NULL

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning() RETURNS SETOF gruppekobling AS
    r RECORD;
    INSERT INTO kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp
    SELECT overgruppe_id,undergruppe_id FROM gruppekobling gk
        JOIN gruppe g1 ON gk.overgruppe_id=g1.gruppe_id
        JOIN gruppe g2 ON gk.overgruppe_id=g2.gruppe_id
        WHERE g1.aktiv AND g2.aktiv;
        INSERT INTO kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp
        SELECT g1.overgruppe_id, g2.undergruppe_id
            FROM kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp g1
            JOIN kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp g2
                ON g1.undergruppe_id=g2.overgruppe_id
        WHERE (g1.overgruppe_id, g2.undergruppe_id) NOT IN (
            SELECT * FROM kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp
    FOR r IN SELECT * from kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp LOOP
        RETURN NEXT r;
        DELETE FROM kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp;
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.mdb_gruppetilgang AS
        gk.undergruppe_id AS gruppe_id,
    FROM (
        SELECT * FROM mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning()
        UNION SELECT gruppe_id,gruppe_id FROM gruppe WHERE aktiv
    ) gk
    JOIN adgangsskjema_gruppe_kobling ak ON gk.overgruppe_id=ak.gruppe_id
    NATURAL JOIN adgangsskjema;

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.mdb_tilgang AS
   t1.medlem_id AS medlem_id,
   CASE WHEN m_stopp < stopp OR stopp IS NULL THEN m_stopp ELSE stopp END AS stopp
   FROM (
       ms.stopp AS m_stopp,
       MIN("start") AS start,
       MAX(v.stopp) AS stopp
     FROM (
       SELECT * FROM verv
         UNION ALL
       SELECT * FROM eksterne_kort.vervekvivalens
     ) v
     JOIN (
       SELECT * FROM gyldige_medlemskap ms
         UNION ALL
       SELECT medlem_id,stopp FROM eksterne_kort.vervekvivalens
     ) ms
     USING (medlem_id)

     WHERE ( v.stopp IS NULL OR v.stopp >= current_date )
     GROUP BY medlem_id,gruppe_id,ms.stopp
   ) t1
   JOIN mdb_gruppetilgang gt ON t1.gruppe_id=gt.gruppe_id
   WHERE medlem_id IN (
     SELECT medlem_id FROM mdb_personer

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.mdb_effektiv_tilgang AS
      MIN("start") AS "start",
      MAX(stopp) AS stopp
    FROM kortsys2.mdb_tilgang
    GROUP BY medlem_id,rita_navn
    HAVING MAX(stopp) >= current_date;

CREATE TABLE kortsys2.rita_tilgang (
    medlem_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES kortsys2.rita_personer,
    rita_navn varchar NOT NULL,
    "start" date NOT NULL,
    stopp date NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY ( medlem_id, rita_navn )

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.tilganger_skal_slettes AS
    SELECT * FROM kortsys2.rita_tilgang
      WHERE medlem_id NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id FROM kortsys2.personer_nylig_slettet
      AND (medlem_id,rita_navn,kortsys2.effektiv_dato("start"),stopp) NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id,rita_navn,kortsys2.effektiv_dato("start"),stopp FROM kortsys2.mdb_effektiv_tilgang

CREATE VIEW kortsys2.tilganger_skal_gis AS
    SELECT medlem_id,rita_navn,"start",stopp
    FROM kortsys2.mdb_effektiv_tilgang
      WHERE medlem_id NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id FROM kortsys2.personer_nylig_slettet
      AND (medlem_id,rita_navn,kortsys2.effektiv_dato("start"),stopp) NOT IN (
        SELECT medlem_id,rita_navn,kortsys2.effektiv_dato("start"),stopp FROM kortsys2.rita_tilgang

=== cut here ===

Now for the simple query:

  mdb2_jodal=# explain select * from kortsys2.tilganger_skal_gis ;

and the monster of a query plan (no EXPLAIN ANALYZE because, well, it never
                                                                                                            QUERY PLAN

 Subquery Scan mdb_effektiv_tilgang  (cost=19821.69..4920621.69 rows=10000 width=48)
   Filter: ((NOT (hashed subplan)) AND (NOT (subplan)))
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=19238.48..20838.48 rows=40000 width=52)
         Filter: (max(CASE WHEN ((m_stopp < (stopp)::timestamp without time zone) OR (stopp IS NULL)) THEN m_stopp ELSE
(stopp)::timestampwithout time zone END) >= (('now'::text)::date)::timestamp without time zone) 
         ->  Merge Join  (cost=12231.86..16091.27 rows=251777 width=52)
               Merge Cond: ("outer".gruppe_id = "inner".gruppe_id)
               ->  Unique  (cost=483.64..514.68 rows=4138 width=30)
                     ->  Sort  (cost=483.64..493.99 rows=4138 width=30)
                           Sort Key: gk.undergruppe_id, adgangsskjema.rita_navn
                           ->  Merge Join  (cost=149.81..235.06 rows=4138 width=30)
                                 Merge Cond: ("outer".overgruppe_id = "inner".gruppe_id)
                                 ->  Unique  (cost=92.52..101.21 rows=1159 width=8)
                                       ->  Sort  (cost=92.52..95.41 rows=1159 width=8)
                                             Sort Key: overgruppe_id, undergruppe_id
                                             ->  Append  (cost=0.00..33.53 rows=1159 width=8)
                                                   ->  Function Scan on mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning
(cost=0.00..12.50rows=1000 width=8) 
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on gruppe  (cost=0.00..9.44 rows=159 width=4)
                                                         Filter: aktiv
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=57.29..59.08 rows=714 width=30)
                                       Sort Key: ak.gruppe_id
                                       ->  Hash Join  (cost=1.60..23.45 rows=714 width=30)
                                             Hash Cond: ("outer".adgangsskjema_id = "inner".adgangsskjema_id)
                                             ->  Seq Scan on adgangsskjema_gruppe_kobling ak  (cost=0.00..11.14
                                             ->  Hash  (cost=1.48..1.48 rows=48 width=30)
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on adgangsskjema  (cost=0.00..1.48 rows=48 width=30)
               ->  Sort  (cost=11748.21..11778.64 rows=12169 width=24)
                     Sort Key: t1.gruppe_id
                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=8975.45..10922.49 rows=12169 width=24)
                           Hash Cond: ("outer".medlem_id = "inner".medlem_id)
                           ->  HashAggregate  (cost=5180.87..6093.55 rows=60845 width=24)
                                 ->  Merge Join  (cost=3496.19..4420.31 rows=60845 width=24)
                                       Merge Cond: ("outer".medlem_id = "inner".medlem_id)
                                       ->  Sort  (cost=2743.39..2749.11 rows=2290 width=12)
                                             Sort Key: ms.medlem_id
                                             ->  Subquery Scan ms  (cost=2483.70..2615.60 rows=2290 width=12)
                                                   ->  Append  (cost=2483.70..2592.70 rows=2290 width=12)
                                                         ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2483.70..2545.82 rows=2259 width=24)
                                                               Filter: (max(("start" + varighet)) >=
(('now'::text)::date)::timestampwithout time zone) 
                                                               ->  Hash Join  (cost=662.54..2427.49 rows=7494 width=24)
                                                                     Hash Cond: ("outer".oblattype_id =
                                                                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=661.50..2314.03 rows=7494
                                                                           Hash Cond: ("outer".kortnummer =
                                                                           ->  Seq Scan on oblat  (cost=0.00..632.17
                                                                           ->  Hash  (cost=614.81..614.81 rows=18673
                                                                                 ->  Seq Scan on kort
(cost=0.00..614.81rows=18673 width=8) 
                                                                                       Filter: ((kortstatus_id = 1) AND
(medlem_idIS NOT NULL)) 
                                                                     ->  Hash  (cost=1.04..1.04 rows=4 width=20)
                                                                           ->  Seq Scan on oblattype  (cost=0.00..1.04
                                                         ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.00..1.70 rows=31
                                                               ->  Seq Scan on eksterne_kort  (cost=0.00..1.39 rows=31
                                       ->  Sort  (cost=752.80..766.08 rows=5314 width=16)
                                             Sort Key: v.medlem_id
                                             ->  Append  (cost=0.00..370.84 rows=5314 width=16)
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on verv  (cost=0.00..316.31 rows=5283 width=16)
                                                         Filter: ((stopp IS NULL) OR (stopp >= ('now'::text)::date))
                                                   ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.01..1.70 rows=31 width=8)
                                                         ->  Result  (cost=0.01..1.39 rows=31 width=8)
                                                               One-Time Filter: (('2030-01-01'::date IS NULL) OR
('2030-01-01'::date>= ('now'::text)::date)) 
                                                               ->  Seq Scan on eksterne_kort  (cost=0.00..1.31 rows=31
                           ->  Hash  (cost=3794.48..3794.48 rows=40 width=4)
                                 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=3794.08..3794.48 rows=40 width=4)
                                       ->  Append  (cost=3791.65..3793.58 rows=40 width=106)
                                             ->  Subquery Scan t1  (cost=3791.65..3791.79 rows=9 width=106)
                                                   ->  Unique  (cost=3791.65..3791.70 rows=9 width=60)
                                                         ->  Sort  (cost=3791.65..3791.68 rows=9 width=60)
                                                               Sort Key: medlem.medlem_id, public.kort.korttype_id
                                                               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=2922.47..3791.51 rows=9 width=60)
                                                                     Join Filter: ("outer".medlem_id =
                                                                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=2918.46..3454.13 rows=42
                                                                           Hash Cond: ("outer".medlem_id =
                                                                           ->  Hash Join  (cost=2574.06..3106.62
                                                                                 Hash Cond: ("outer".medlem_id =
                                                                                 ->  Seq Scan on medlem
(cost=0.00..500.01rows=3623 width=52) 
                                                                                       Filter: (pinkode IS NOT NULL)
                                                                                 ->  Hash  (cost=2568.41..2568.41
                                                                                       ->  HashAggregate
(cost=2483.70..2545.82rows=2259 width=24) 
                                                                                             Filter: (max(("start" +
varighet))>= (('now'::text)::date)::timestamp without time zone) 
                                                                                             ->  Hash Join
(cost=662.54..2427.49rows=7494 width=24) 
                                                                                                   Hash Cond:
("outer".oblattype_id= "inner".oblattype_id) 
                                                                                                   ->  Hash Join
(cost=661.50..2314.03rows=7494 width=12) 
                                                                                                         Hash Cond:
("outer".kortnummer= "inner".kortnummer) 
                                                                                                         ->  Seq Scan
onoblat  (cost=0.00..632.17 rows=37817 width=12) 
                                                                                                         ->  Hash
(cost=614.81..614.81rows=18673 width=8) 
                                                                                                               ->  Seq
Scanon kort  (cost=0.00..614.81 rows=18673 width=8) 

Filter:((kortstatus_id = 1) AND (medlem_id IS NOT NULL)) 
                                                                                                   ->  Hash
(cost=1.04..1.04rows=4 width=20) 
                                                                                                         ->  Seq Scan
onoblattype  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=20) 
                                                                           ->  Hash  (cost=341.42..341.42 rows=1191
                                                                                 ->  HashAggregate
(cost=329.51..341.42rows=1191 width=4) 
                                                                                       ->  Seq Scan on verv
(cost=0.00..316.31rows=5283 width=4) 
                                                                                             Filter: ((stopp IS NULL)
OR(stopp >= ('now'::text)::date)) 
                                                                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kort  (cost=4.01..8.02
                                                                           Recheck Cond: ((("outer".medlem_id =
kort.medlem_id)AND (kort.korttype_id = 2)) OR (("outer".medlem_id = kort.medlem_id) AND (kort.korttype_id = 3))) 
                                                                           Filter: (kortstatus_id = 1)
                                                                           ->  BitmapOr  (cost=4.01..4.01 rows=1
                                                                                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
maksimalt_ett_aktivt_kort_per_medlem (cost=0.00..2.01 rows=1 width=0) 
                                                                                       Index Cond: (("outer".medlem_id
=kort.medlem_id) AND (kort.korttype_id = 2)) 
                                                                                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
maksimalt_ett_aktivt_kort_per_medlem (cost=0.00..2.01 rows=1 width=0) 
                                                                                       Index Cond: (("outer".medlem_id
=kort.medlem_id) AND (kort.korttype_id = 3)) 
                                             ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.00..1.70 rows=31 width=25)
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on eksterne_kort  (cost=0.00..1.39 rows=31 width=25)
     ->  Materialize  (cost=546.45..742.37 rows=19592 width=38)
           ->  Seq Scan on rita_tilgang  (cost=0.00..526.86 rows=19592 width=38)
     ->  Seq Scan on personer_nylig_slettet  (cost=0.00..31.40 rows=2140 width=4)
(105 rows)

There's two oddities here at first sight:

  1. Why does it materialize the sequential scan? What use would that have?
  2. Why does it estimate four million disk page fetches in the top node?
     I can't find anything like that in the bottom nodes...

All the obvious things are taken care of: The tables are freshly loaded,
VACUUM ANALYZE just ran, sort_mem/shared_buffers/effective_cache_size is the
same as on the 7.4 machine with the same amount of RAM (1GB).

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

Tom Lane
"Steinar H. Gunderson" <> writes:
> I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1 beta 3 (packages from Debian experimental), and I
> have a (rather complex) query that seems to take forever -- when the database
> was just installed, it took about 1200ms (which is quite good, considering
> that the 7.4 system this runs on today uses about the same time, but has
> twice as much CPU power and runs sequential scans up to eight times as fast),
> but now I can never even get it to complete. I've tried running it for half
> an hour, but it still doesn't complete, so I'm a bit unsure what's going on.

That mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning function looks awfully
grotty ... how many rows does it return, and how long does it take to
run by itself?  How often does its temp table get vacuumed?  A quick
band-aid might be to use TRUNCATE instead of DELETE FROM to clean the
table ... but if I were you I'd try to rewrite the function entirely.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

Tom Lane
"Steinar H. Gunderson" <> writes:
>     INSERT INTO kortsys2.mdb_gruppekobling_temp
>     SELECT overgruppe_id,undergruppe_id FROM gruppekobling gk
>         JOIN gruppe g1 ON gk.overgruppe_id=g1.gruppe_id
>         JOIN gruppe g2 ON gk.overgruppe_id=g2.gruppe_id
>         WHERE g1.aktiv AND g2.aktiv;
>     LOOP

BTW, it sure looks like that second JOIN ought to be
        JOIN gruppe g2 ON gk.undergruppe_id=g2.gruppe_id

As-is, it's not doing anything for you ... certainly not enforcing
that the undergruppe_id be aktiv.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 12:37:25AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> That mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning function looks awfully
> grotty ... how many rows does it return, and how long does it take to
> run by itself?  How often does its temp table get vacuumed?  A quick
> band-aid might be to use TRUNCATE instead of DELETE FROM to clean the
> table ... but if I were you I'd try to rewrite the function entirely.

It returns 752 rows, and the table is autovacuumed. If I run the queries
manually, they take ~15ms in all -- for some odd reason, the function in itself
varies between 40 and 500ms, though...

I tried using TRUNCATE earlier, but if anything, it made the function slower
(might just have been zero difference, though).  I also had written the
function differently (using a series of depth-first searches), but it was
awfully slow even after a lot of tweaking, so it was not really worth it...

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 12:58:51AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> As-is, it's not doing anything for you ... certainly not enforcing
> that the undergruppe_id be aktiv.

Oops, yes, that's a bug -- thanks for noticing. (It does not matter
particularily with the current data set, though.)

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 12:37:25AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> That mdb_gruppekobling_transitiv_tillukning function looks awfully
> grotty ... how many rows does it return, and how long does it take to
> run by itself?  How often does its temp table get vacuumed?  A quick
> band-aid might be to use TRUNCATE instead of DELETE FROM to clean the
> table ... but if I were you I'd try to rewrite the function entirely.

I've verified that it indeed does use 20ms more for every run without a
VACUUM, but it shouldn't really matter -- and I guess it will go away once
somebody teaches plpgsql about not caching OIDs for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE.

In any case, I still can't understand why it picks the plan it does; what's
up with the materialized seqscan, and where do the four million rows come
from? 7.4 estimates ~52000 disk page fetches for the same query, so surely
there must be a better plan than four million :-)

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"

I finally found what I believe is the root cause for the hopeless
performance, after a lot of query rewriting:

>  Subquery Scan mdb_effektiv_tilgang  (cost=19821.69..4920621.69 rows=10000 width=48)
>    Filter: ((NOT (hashed subplan)) AND (NOT (subplan)))

The problem here is simply that 8.1 refuses to hash this part of the plan:

>      ->  Materialize  (cost=546.45..742.37 rows=19592 width=38)
>            ->  Seq Scan on rita_tilgang  (cost=0.00..526.86 rows=19592 width=38)
>      ->  Seq Scan on personer_nylig_slettet  (cost=0.00..31.40 rows=2140 width=4)

probably because of the NOT IN with a function inside; I rewrote it to an
EXCEPT (which is not equivalent, but good enough for my use), and it
instantly hashed the other subplan, and the query went speedily. Well, at
least in four seconds and not several hours...

Any good ideas why 8.1 would refuse to do this, when 7.4 would do it? It does
not matter how high I set my work_mem; even at 2.000.000 it refused to hash
the subplan.

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

Tom Lane
"Steinar H. Gunderson" <> writes:
> Any good ideas why 8.1 would refuse to do this, when 7.4 would do it? It does
> not matter how high I set my work_mem; even at 2.000.000 it refused to hash
> the subplan.

AFAICS, subplan_is_hashable() is testing the same conditions in 7.4 and
HEAD, so this isn't clear.  Want to step through it and see where it's
deciding not to hash?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 07:06:15PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> AFAICS, subplan_is_hashable() is testing the same conditions in 7.4 and
> HEAD, so this isn't clear.  Want to step through it and see where it's
> deciding not to hash?

Line 639, ie.:

635                 if (!optup->oprcanhash || optup->oprcom != opid ||
636                         !func_strict(optup->oprcode))
637                 {
638                         ReleaseSysCache(tup);
639                         return false;
640                 }

gdb gives

(gdb) print *optup
$2 = {oprname = {
    data = "\220Ü2\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005\230-\b", '\0' <repeats 16 times>,
"X\0305\b\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ئ>\b\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ð\213>\b\020\000\000",alignmentDummy =
137550992},oprnamespace = 137542808, oprowner = 64, oprkind = 8 '\b', oprcanhash = -112 '\220', oprleft = 2, oprright =
  oprresult = 0, oprcom = 0, oprnegate = 0, oprlsortop = 0, oprrsortop = 0, oprltcmpop = 0, oprgtcmpop = 0, oprcode =
0,oprrest = 0, oprjoin = 0} 

(gdb) print opid
$3 = 2373

So it's complaining about the optup->oprcom != opid part. This is of course
on the third run through the loop, ie. it's complaining about the argument
which is run through the function kortsys2.effektiv_dato(date)... For
convenience, I've listed it again here:

CREATE FUNCTION kortsys2.effektiv_dato(date) RETURNS date

/* Steinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

Tom Lane
"Steinar H. Gunderson" <> writes:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 07:06:15PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> AFAICS, subplan_is_hashable() is testing the same conditions in 7.4 and
>> HEAD, so this isn't clear.  Want to step through it and see where it's
>> deciding not to hash?

> (gdb) print opid
> $3 = 2373

I don't think you're getting a correct reading for optup, but OID
2373 is timestamp = date:

regression=# select * from pg_operator where oid = 2373;
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate |
oprlsortop| oprrsortop | oprltcmpop | oprgtcmpop |      oprcode      | oprrest |  oprjoin 

 =       |           11 |       10 | b       | f          |    1114 |     1082 |        16 |   2347 |      2376 |
2062|       1095 |       2371 |       2375 | timestamp_eq_date | eqsel   | eqjoinsel 
(1 row)

which is marked not hashable, quite correctly since the input datatypes
aren't even the same.

My recollection is that there was no such operator in 7.4; probably in
7.4 the IN ended up using timestamp = timestamp which is hashable.

What's not clear though is why you're getting that operator --- aren't
both sides of the IN of type "date"?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 07:53:02PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I don't think you're getting a correct reading for optup, but OID
> 2373 is timestamp = date:
> [...]
> My recollection is that there was no such operator in 7.4; probably in
> 7.4 the IN ended up using timestamp = timestamp which is hashable.

You are quite correct, there is no such operator (whether by oid or by
description) in my 7.4 installation.

> What's not clear though is why you're getting that operator --- aren't
> both sides of the IN of type "date"?


Figured out the "start" column wasn't the problem after all. The problem was
the "stopp" column, which was timestamp on one side and date on the other...

So, it can be fixed for this instance, but this feels a bit like the pre-8.0
joins on differing data types -- is there any way to fix it? :-)

/* QSteinar */

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

Tom Lane
"Steinar H. Gunderson" <> writes:
> Aha!

> Figured out the "start" column wasn't the problem after all. The problem was
> the "stopp" column, which was timestamp on one side and date on the other...


> So, it can be fixed for this instance, but this feels a bit like the pre-8.0
> joins on differing data types -- is there any way to fix it? :-)

I have some ideas in the back of my head about supporting
cross-data-type hashing.  Essentially this would require that the hash
functions for two types be compatible in that they generate the same
hash value for two values that would be considered equal.  (For
instance, the integer hash functions already have the property that
42::int2, 42::int4, and 42::int8 will all generate the same hash code.
The date and timestamp hash functions don't have such a property ATM,
but probably could be made to.)  For types that share a hash coding
convention, cross-type equality functions could be marked hashable.
This is all pretty handwavy at the moment though, and I don't know
how soon it will get done.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Materializing a sequential scan

"Steinar H. Gunderson"
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:51:03PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> I have some ideas in the back of my head about supporting
> cross-data-type hashing.  Essentially this would require that the hash
> functions for two types be compatible in that they generate the same
> hash value for two values that would be considered equal.

OK, another entry for the TODO then.

Anyhow, my query is now on about the same performance level with 8.1 as it
was with 7.4 (or rather, a bit faster), so it's no longer a 8.1 blocker for
us. Thanks. :-)

/* Steinar */