Thread: Réf. : tricky query

Réf. : tricky query

I would suggest something like this, don't know how fast it is ... :

SELECT  (ID +1) as result FROM my_table
WHERE (ID+1) NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM my_table) as tmp
ORDER BY result asc limit 1;

"Merlin Moncure" <>
Envoyé par :
28/06/2005 16:21

        Pour :  <>
        cc :
        Objet : [PERFORM] tricky query

I need a fast way (sql only preferred) to solve the following problem:

I need the smallest integer that is greater than zero that is not in the
column of a table.  In other words, if an 'id' column has values
1,2,3,4,6 and 7, I need a query that returns the value of 5.

I've already worked out a query using generate_series (not scalable) and
pl/pgsql.  An SQL only solution would be preferred, am I missing
something obvious?


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