Thread: Accessing insert values in triggers

Accessing insert values in triggers

Hasnul Fadhly bin Hasan

I am trying to build a function that would extend the trigger in general
tid bits that would only track count changes for table rows.

The one i am trying to build would check which column and value should
be tracked.

e.g. below would be the tracker.

CREATE TABLE "public"."aaaa" (
  "tables" TEXT,
  "columns" TEXT[],
  "values" TEXT[],
  "counts" BIGINT

The column array is the column name and the values array would be the
values matching the columns array defined.

if columns has {group,item} then values has {1,'basket'} so if the data
inserted matches the values defined, it will be tracked.

When new data is inserted, we have to use new.xxxx to access the data.
Is there another way to access the data that would be more generic
like value[1] and so on?  This way, the tracker is independant of any
tables.  i believe tg_argv is only for data being updated.

I'm have not done any functions in C, but for those who has, it is more
possible to do it in C?  If those who has used it say i can access the
data easier
in C, then i'll have to read up and learn it.

I was looking through the examples in the doc on creating triggers in
C.  I believe the data i'm looking for is in tg_trigtuple but i am not
sure how it is supposed to be accessed.  Anyone knows of any links i can
refer to or anyones has simple codes showing how to access the data?

Thanks for any info.


Re: Accessing insert values in triggers

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 06:02:28PM +0800, Hasnul Fadhly bin Hasan wrote:

> When new data is inserted, we have to use new.xxxx to access the data.
> Is there another way to access the data that would be more generic
> like value[1] and so on?  This way, the tracker is independant of any
> tables.

Procedural languages like PL/Perl, PL/Tcl, and PL/Python can access
NEW and OLD columns without knowing the column names in advance.

Michael Fuhr