Thread: indentifying the database in a Postgres log file.

indentifying the database in a Postgres log file.

Theo Galanakis

I have written a program that parses a syslog file, reading all the postgres transactions. I would like to know if there is a way for postgres to log also the specific database the sql statement originated from.

The only options available in the postgresql.conf are:
#log_connections = false
#log_duration = false
#log_pid = false
#log_statement = false
#log_timestamp = false
#log_hostname = false
#log_source_port = false

Is this possible? Or is there a smart work around.


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Re: indentifying the database in a Postgres log file.

Bruce Momjian
Theo Galanakis wrote:
> I have written a program that parses a syslog file, reading all the postgres
> transactions. I would like to know if there is a way for postgres to log
> also the specific database the sql statement originated from.
> The only options available in the postgresql.conf are:
> #log_connections = false
> #log_duration = false
> #log_pid = false
> #log_statement = false
> #log_timestamp = false
> #log_hostname = false
> #log_source_port = false
> Is this possible? Or is there a smart work around.

In pre-8.0 the only way to do it is to log connections, grab the
database from there, and add the pid to join all log rows back to the
server row.  In 8.0 we have log_line_prefix that can display all

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073