Thread: WIP: executor_hook for pg_stat_statements

WIP: executor_hook for pg_stat_statements

ITAGAKI Takahiro
I'm working on light-weight SQL logging for PostgreSQL.

I divide the SQL logging feature into a core patch and an extension module.
I hope only the patch is to be applied in the core. The extension module
would be better to be developed separately from the core.

The attached patch (executor_hook.patch) modifies HEAD as follows.

- Add "tag" field (uint32) into PlannedStmt.
- Add executor_hook to replace ExecutePlan().
- Move ExecutePlan() to a global function.

The archive file (pg_stat_statements.tar.gz) is a sample extension module.
It uses the existing planner_hook and the new executor_hook to record
statements on planned and executed. You can see all of executed statements
through the following VIEW:

View "public.pg_stat_statements"
   Column   |  Type  | Description
 userid     | oid    | user id who execute the statement
 datid      | oid    | target database
 query      | text   | query's SQL text
 planned    | bigint | number of planned
 calls      | bigint | number of executed
 total_time | bigint | total executing time in msec

Here is a sample output of the view.

postgres=# SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();
$ pgbench -c10 -t1000 -M prepared
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY query;
 userid | datid |                                             query                                             |
planned| calls | total_time 

     10 | 11505 | INSERT INTO history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); |
10| 10000 |        196 
     10 | 11505 | SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements ORDER BY query;                                              |
1|     0 |          0 
     10 | 11505 | SELECT abalance FROM accounts WHERE aid = $1;                                                 |
10| 10000 |        288 
     10 | 11505 | UPDATE accounts SET abalance = abalance + $1 WHERE aid = $2;                                  |
10| 10000 |       1269 
     10 | 11505 | UPDATE branches SET bbalance = bbalance + $1 WHERE bid = $2;                                  |
10| 10000 |      21737 
     10 | 11505 | UPDATE tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + $1 WHERE tid = $2;                                   |
10| 10000 |       6950 
     10 | 11505 | delete from history                                                                           |
1|     1 |          0 
     10 | 11505 | select count(*) from branches                                                                 |
1|     1 |          0 
(8 rows)

You need to add the below options in postgresql.conf.
    shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
    custom_variable_classes = 'statspack'
    statspack.max_statements = 1000    # max number of distinct statements
    statspack.statement_buffer = 1024  # buffer to record SQL text

This module is WIP and far from complete. It allocates fixed shared
memory and record SQLs there, but doesn't handle out-of-memory situaton
for now. Also, It can handle statements using extended prorocol or
prepared statements, but not simple protocol queries. And every user
can view other user's queries.

ITAGAKI Takahiro
NTT Open Source Software Center


Re: WIP: executor_hook for pg_stat_statements

Simon Riggs
On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 15:22 +0900, ITAGAKI Takahiro wrote:
> I'm working on light-weight SQL logging for PostgreSQL.
> I divide the SQL logging feature into a core patch and an extension module.
> I hope only the patch is to be applied in the core. The extension module
> would be better to be developed separately from the core.
> The attached patch (executor_hook.patch) modifies HEAD as follows.
> - Add "tag" field (uint32) into PlannedStmt.
> - Add executor_hook to replace ExecutePlan().
> - Move ExecutePlan() to a global function.

The executor_hook.patch is fairly trivial and I see no errors.

The logic of including such a patch is clear. If we have a planner hook
then we should also have an executor hook.

Will you be completing the plugin for use in contrib?

 Simon Riggs 
 PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support