Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> Here's a new try. This one touches to pg_dump side too - for v3
> COPY functions usage instead of deprecated ones.
> I'd be so appreciated if somebody can review attached patch.
I have updated the patch to match CVS (attached), but am seeing the
following regression differences where the COPY error messages are now
missing. Any idea what is causing that?
Bruce Momjian | http://candle.pha.pa.us
pgman@candle.pha.pa.us | (610) 359-1001
+ If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/commands/copy.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.258
diff -c -c -r1.258 copy.c
*** src/backend/commands/copy.c 3 Feb 2006 12:41:07 -0000 1.258
--- src/backend/commands/copy.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:16 -0000
*** 102,107 ****
--- 102,108 ----
int client_encoding; /* remote side's character encoding */
bool need_transcoding; /* client encoding diff from server? */
bool encoding_embeds_ascii; /* ASCII can be non-first byte? */
+ uint64 processed; /* # of tuples processed */
/* parameters from the COPY command */
Relation rel; /* relation to copy to or from */
*** 710,716 ****
* Do not allow the copy if user doesn't have proper permission to access
* the table.
! void
DoCopy(const CopyStmt *stmt)
CopyState cstate;
--- 711,717 ----
* Do not allow the copy if user doesn't have proper permission to access
* the table.
! uint64
DoCopy(const CopyStmt *stmt)
CopyState cstate;
*** 724,729 ****
--- 725,731 ----
AclMode required_access = (is_from ? ACL_INSERT : ACL_SELECT);
AclResult aclresult;
ListCell *option;
+ uint64 processed;
/* Allocate workspace and zero all fields */
cstate = (CopyStateData *) palloc0(sizeof(CopyStateData));
*** 1019,1024 ****
--- 1021,1027 ----
cstate->line_buf_converted = false;
cstate->raw_buf = (char *) palloc(RAW_BUF_SIZE + 1);
cstate->raw_buf_index = cstate->raw_buf_len = 0;
+ cstate->processed = 0;
/* Set up encoding conversion info */
cstate->client_encoding = pg_get_client_encoding();
*** 1164,1170 ****
--- 1167,1176 ----
+ processed = cstate->processed;
+ return processed;
*** 1396,1401 ****
--- 1402,1409 ----
VARSIZE(outputbytes) - VARHDRSZ);
+ cstate->processed++;
*** 2002,2007 ****
--- 2010,2017 ----
/* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, tuple);
+ cstate->processed++;
Index: src/backend/tcop/utility.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/utility.c,v
retrieving revision 1.251
diff -c -c -r1.251 utility.c
*** src/backend/tcop/utility.c 11 Feb 2006 22:17:19 -0000 1.251
--- src/backend/tcop/utility.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:17 -0000
*** 640,646 ****
case T_CopyStmt:
! DoCopy((CopyStmt *) parsetree);
case T_PrepareStmt:
--- 640,651 ----
case T_CopyStmt:
! {
! uint64 processed = DoCopy((CopyStmt *) parsetree);
! snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,
! "COPY " UINT64_FORMAT, processed);
! }
case T_PrepareStmt:
Index: src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_db.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_db.c,v
retrieving revision 1.68
diff -c -c -r1.68 pg_backup_db.c
*** src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_db.c 9 Feb 2006 18:28:29 -0000 1.68
--- src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_db.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:17 -0000
*** 388,393 ****
--- 388,395 ----
* enter COPY mode; this allows us to behave reasonably when trying
* to continue after an error in a COPY command.
+ if (AH->pgCopyIn &&
+ PQputCopyData(AH->connection, AH->pgCopyBuf->data, AH->pgCopyBuf->len) < 0)
if (AH->pgCopyIn && PQputline(AH->connection, AH->pgCopyBuf->data) != 0)
die_horribly(AH, modulename, "error returned by PQputline: %s",
*** 400,407 ****
if (isEnd)
! if (AH->pgCopyIn && PQendcopy(AH->connection) != 0)
! die_horribly(AH, modulename, "error returned by PQendcopy: %s",
AH->pgCopyIn = false;
--- 402,409 ----
if (isEnd)
! if (AH->pgCopyIn && PQputCopyEnd(AH->connection, NULL) < 0)
! die_horribly(AH, modulename, "error returned by PQputCopyEnd: %s",
AH->pgCopyIn = false;
Index: src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c,v
retrieving revision 1.428
diff -c -c -r1.428 pg_dump.c
*** src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c 12 Feb 2006 03:22:18 -0000 1.428
--- src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:21 -0000
*** 778,799 ****
* to be dumped.
- #define COPYBUFSIZ 8192
static int
dumpTableData_copy(Archive *fout, void *dcontext)
! TableDataInfo *tdinfo = (TableDataInfo *) dcontext;
! TableInfo *tbinfo = tdinfo->tdtable;
! const char *classname = tbinfo->dobj.name;
! const bool hasoids = tbinfo->hasoids;
! const bool oids = tdinfo->oids;
! PQExpBuffer q = createPQExpBuffer();
! PGresult *res;
! int ret;
! bool copydone;
! char copybuf[COPYBUFSIZ];
! const char *column_list;
if (g_verbose)
write_msg(NULL, "dumping contents of table %s\n", classname);
--- 778,796 ----
* to be dumped.
static int
dumpTableData_copy(Archive *fout, void *dcontext)
! TableDataInfo *tdinfo = (TableDataInfo *) dcontext;
! TableInfo *tbinfo = tdinfo->tdtable;
! const char *classname = tbinfo->dobj.name;
! const bool hasoids = tbinfo->hasoids;
! const bool oids = tdinfo->oids;
! PQExpBuffer q = createPQExpBuffer();
! PGresult *res;
! int ret;
! char *copybuf;
! const char *column_list;
if (g_verbose)
write_msg(NULL, "dumping contents of table %s\n", classname);
*** 834,867 ****
res = PQexec(g_conn, q->data);
check_sql_result(res, g_conn, q->data, PGRES_COPY_OUT);
! copydone = false;
! while (!copydone)
! ret = PQgetline(g_conn, copybuf, COPYBUFSIZ);
! if (copybuf[0] == '\\' &&
! copybuf[1] == '.' &&
! copybuf[2] == '\0')
! {
! copydone = true; /* don't print this... */
! }
! else
archputs(copybuf, fout);
! switch (ret)
! {
! case EOF:
! copydone = true;
! case 0:
! archputs("\n", fout);
! break;
! case 1:
! break;
! }
--- 831,851 ----
res = PQexec(g_conn, q->data);
check_sql_result(res, g_conn, q->data, PGRES_COPY_OUT);
! for (;;)
! ret = PQgetCopyData(g_conn, ©buf, 0);
! /* buffer is filled by libpq */
! if (ret > 0)
archputs(copybuf, fout);
! PQfreemem(copybuf);
+ /* copy completed (or an error occured) */
+ else if (ret < 0)
+ break;
*** 904,913 ****
archprintf(fout, "\\.\n\n\n");
! ret = PQendcopy(g_conn);
! if (ret != 0)
! write_msg(NULL, "SQL command to dump the contents of table \"%s\" failed: PQendcopy() failed.\n", classname);
write_msg(NULL, "Error message from server: %s", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
write_msg(NULL, "The command was: %s\n", q->data);
--- 888,897 ----
archprintf(fout, "\\.\n\n\n");
! /* copy failed */
! if (ret == -2)
! write_msg(NULL, "SQL command to dump the contents of table \"%s\" failed: PQgetCopyData() failed.\n",
write_msg(NULL, "Error message from server: %s", PQerrorMessage(g_conn));
write_msg(NULL, "The command was: %s\n", q->data);
Index: src/bin/psql/common.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/common.c,v
retrieving revision 1.112
diff -c -c -r1.112 common.c
*** src/bin/psql/common.c 12 Feb 2006 03:30:21 -0000 1.112
--- src/bin/psql/common.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:22 -0000
*** 854,867 ****
* Returns true if the query executed successfully, false otherwise.
static bool
! ProcessCopyResult(PGresult *results)
! bool success = false;
! if (!results)
return false;
! switch (PQresultStatus(results))
--- 854,869 ----
* Returns true if the query executed successfully, false otherwise.
static bool
! ProcessCopyResult(PGresult **results)
! bool success, req_getres;
! if (!*results)
return false;
! success = req_getres = false;
! switch (PQresultStatus(*results))
*** 871,881 ****
! success = handleCopyOut(pset.db, pset.queryFout);
! success = handleCopyIn(pset.db, pset.cur_cmd_source);
--- 873,883 ----
! req_getres = success = handleCopyOut(pset.db, pset.queryFout);
! req_getres = success = handleCopyIn(pset.db, pset.cur_cmd_source);
*** 885,890 ****
--- 887,904 ----
/* may need this to recover from conn loss during COPY */
if (!CheckConnection())
return false;
+ /*
+ * We need a last PQgetResult() call to learn whether COPY
+ * succeded or not.
+ */
+ if (req_getres)
+ {
+ PQclear(*results);
+ *results = PQgetResult(pset.db);
+ if (PQresultStatus(*results) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
+ success = false;
+ }
return success;
*** 1068,1074 ****
results = PQexec(pset.db, query);
/* these operations are included in the timing result: */
! OK = (AcceptResult(results, query) && ProcessCopyResult(results));
if (pset.timing)
--- 1082,1088 ----
results = PQexec(pset.db, query);
/* these operations are included in the timing result: */
! OK = (AcceptResult(results, query) && ProcessCopyResult(&results));
if (pset.timing)
Index: src/bin/psql/copy.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/copy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -c -c -r1.58 copy.c
*** src/bin/psql/copy.c 15 Oct 2005 02:49:40 -0000 1.58
--- src/bin/psql/copy.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:22 -0000
*** 585,656 ****
return success;
! #define COPYBUFSIZ 8192 /* size doesn't matter */
* handleCopyOut
* receives data as a result of a COPY ... TO stdout command
- *
- * If you want to use COPY TO in your application, this is the code to steal :)
- *
- * conn should be a database connection that you just called COPY TO on
- * (and which gave you PGRES_COPY_OUT back);
- * copystream is the file stream you want the output to go to
handleCopyOut(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream)
! bool copydone = false; /* haven't started yet */
! char copybuf[COPYBUFSIZ];
! int ret;
! while (!copydone)
! ret = PQgetline(conn, copybuf, COPYBUFSIZ);
! if (copybuf[0] == '\\' &&
! copybuf[1] == '.' &&
! copybuf[2] == '\0')
! copydone = true; /* we're at the end */
! else
! fputs(copybuf, copystream);
! switch (ret)
! {
! case EOF:
! copydone = true;
! case 0:
! fputc('\n', copystream);
! break;
! case 1:
! break;
! }
- ret = !PQendcopy(conn);
! return ret;
* handleCopyIn
* receives data as a result of a COPY ... FROM stdin command
- *
- * Again, if you want to use COPY FROM in your application, copy this.
- *
- * conn should be a database connection that you just called COPY FROM on
- * (and which gave you PGRES_COPY_IN back);
- * copystream is the file stream you want the input to come from
handleCopyIn(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream)
--- 585,651 ----
return success;
+ /*
+ * Function routines for handling COPY IN/OUT input/output.
+ *
+ * If you want to use COPY TO in your application, this is the
+ * code to steal ;)
+ *
+ * conn should be a database connection that you just issued COPY FROM/TO
+ * and copystream is the file stream for input/output to read/go.
+ *
+ * PGRES_COPY_IN and PGRES_COPY_OUT results will be untouched, so you
+ * should make a PQgetResult() call at the end to learn whether COPY
+ * succeeded or not. (This will bring COPY command's commandTag string too.)
+ */
! /* chunk size will be used during COPY IN - size doesn't matter */
! #define COPYBUFSIZ 8192
* handleCopyOut
* receives data as a result of a COPY ... TO stdout command
handleCopyOut(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream)
! char *buf;
! int ret;
! bool res = true;
! for (;;)
! ret = PQgetCopyData(conn, &buf, 0);
! /* Buffer is filled by libpq */
! if (ret > 0)
! fputs(buf, copystream);
! PQfreemem(buf);
! /* copy done */
! else if (ret == -1)
! break;
! /* oops */
! else if (ret == -2)
! res = false;
! break;
! return res;
* handleCopyIn
* receives data as a result of a COPY ... FROM stdin command
handleCopyIn(PGconn *conn, FILE *copystream)
*** 658,670 ****
bool copydone = false;
bool firstload;
bool linedone;
! bool saw_cr = false;
! char copybuf[COPYBUFSIZ];
char *s;
- int bufleft;
- int c = 0;
int ret;
- unsigned int linecount = 0;
/* Prompt if interactive input */
if (isatty(fileno(copystream)))
--- 653,661 ----
bool copydone = false;
bool firstload;
bool linedone;
! char buf[COPYBUFSIZ];
char *s;
int ret;
/* Prompt if interactive input */
if (isatty(fileno(copystream)))
*** 684,747 ****
fputs(prompt, stdout);
firstload = true;
linedone = false;
while (!linedone)
{ /* for each bufferload in line ... */
! /* Fetch string until \n, EOF, or buffer full */
! s = copybuf;
! for (bufleft = COPYBUFSIZ - 1; bufleft > 0; bufleft--)
! c = getc(copystream);
! if (c == EOF)
! {
! linedone = true;
! break;
! }
! *s++ = c;
! if (c == '\n')
! linedone = true;
! break;
! if (c == '\r')
! saw_cr = true;
! }
! *s = '\0';
! /* EOF with empty line-so-far? */
! if (c == EOF && s == copybuf && firstload)
! {
! /*
! * We are guessing a little bit as to the right line-ending
! * here...
! */
! if (saw_cr)
! PQputline(conn, "\\.\r\n");
! else
! PQputline(conn, "\\.\n");
copydone = true;
- if (pset.cur_cmd_interactive)
- puts("\\.");
! /* No, so pass the data to the backend */
! PQputline(conn, copybuf);
! /* Check for line consisting only of \. */
if (firstload)
! if (strcmp(copybuf, "\\.\n") == 0 ||
! strcmp(copybuf, "\\.\r\n") == 0)
copydone = true;
firstload = false;
! linecount++;
! ret = !PQendcopy(conn);
! pset.lineno += linecount;
! return ret;
--- 675,725 ----
fputs(prompt, stdout);
firstload = true;
linedone = false;
while (!linedone)
{ /* for each bufferload in line ... */
! s = fgets(buf, COPYBUFSIZ, copystream);
! if (!s)
! if (ferror(copystream))
! (void) PQputCopyEnd(conn, "Due to fgets() failure!");
! return false;
copydone = true;
! /* Locating EOF. (Required for below and buf length.) */
! s = memchr(buf, '\0', COPYBUFSIZ);
! /* current line is done. */
! if (*(s-1) == '\n')
! linedone = true;
if (firstload)
! if (strcmp(buf, "\\.\n") == 0 ||
! strcmp(buf, "\\.\r\n") == 0)
copydone = true;
firstload = false;
+ ret = PQputCopyData(conn, buf, (s-buf));
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return false;
! pset.lineno++;
! return PQputCopyEnd(conn, NULL) < 0 ? false : true;
Index: src/include/commands/copy.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/include/commands/copy.h,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -c -c -r1.25 copy.h
*** src/include/commands/copy.h 31 Dec 2004 22:03:28 -0000 1.25
--- src/include/commands/copy.h 12 Feb 2006 04:22:22 -0000
*** 16,22 ****
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
! extern void DoCopy(const CopyStmt *stmt);
#endif /* COPY_H */
--- 16,21 ----
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
! extern uint64 DoCopy(const CopyStmt *stmt);
#endif /* COPY_H */
Index: src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.179
diff -c -c -r1.179 fe-exec.c
*** src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c 25 Jan 2006 20:44:32 -0000 1.179
--- src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c 12 Feb 2006 04:22:25 -0000
*** 2177,2183 ****
char *
PQcmdTuples(PGresult *res)
! char *p;
if (!res)
return "";
--- 2177,2183 ----
char *
PQcmdTuples(PGresult *res)
! char *p, *c;
if (!res)
return "";
*** 2195,2201 ****
p = res->cmdStatus + 6;
else if (strncmp(res->cmdStatus, "FETCH ", 6) == 0)
p = res->cmdStatus + 5;
! else if (strncmp(res->cmdStatus, "MOVE ", 5) == 0)
p = res->cmdStatus + 4;
return "";
--- 2195,2202 ----
p = res->cmdStatus + 6;
else if (strncmp(res->cmdStatus, "FETCH ", 6) == 0)
p = res->cmdStatus + 5;
! else if (strncmp(res->cmdStatus, "MOVE ", 5) == 0 ||
! strncmp(res->cmdStatus, "COPY ", 5) == 0)
p = res->cmdStatus + 4;
return "";
*** 2203,2216 ****
if (*p == 0)
! {
! pqInternalNotice(&res->noticeHooks,
! "could not interpret result from server: %s",
! res->cmdStatus);
! return "";
! }
! return p;
--- 2204,2222 ----
if (*p == 0)
! goto interpret_error;
! /* check if we have an int */
! for (c = p; isdigit((unsigned char) *c); ++c)
! ;
! if (*c == 0)
! return p;
! interpret_error:
! pqInternalNotice(&res->noticeHooks,
! "could not interpret result from server: %s",
! res->cmdStatus);
! return "";
*** ./expected/copy2.out Wed Dec 28 10:04:33 2005
--- ./results/copy2.out Sat Feb 11 23:21:12 2006
*** 34,51 ****
ERROR: column "d" specified more than once
-- missing data: should fail
COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
- CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1, column a: ""
COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR: missing data for column "e"
- CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2000 230 23 23"
COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR: missing data for column "e"
- CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2001 231 \N \N"
-- extra data: should fail
COPY x from stdin;
- ERROR: extra data after last expected column
- CONTEXT: COPY x, line 1: "2002 232 40 50 60 70 80"
-- various COPY options: delimiters, oids, NULL string
COPY x (b, c, d, e) from stdin with oids delimiter ',' null 'x';
COPY x from stdin WITH DELIMITER AS ';' NULL AS '';
--- 34,43 ----
*** ./expected/domain.out Mon Jan 16 13:12:32 2006
--- ./results/domain.out Sat Feb 11 23:21:13 2006
*** 39,46 ****
INSERT INTO basictest values ('88', 'haha', 'short', '123.1212'); -- Truncate numeric
-- Test copy
COPY basictest (testvarchar) FROM stdin; -- fail
- ERROR: value too long for type character varying(5)
- CONTEXT: COPY basictest, line 1: "notsoshorttext"
COPY basictest (testvarchar) FROM stdin;
select * from basictest;
testint4 | testtext | testvarchar | testnumeric
--- 39,44 ----
*** 126,137 ****
INSERT INTO nulltest values ('a', 'b', 'c', NULL, 'd'); -- Good
-- Test copy
COPY nulltest FROM stdin; --fail
- ERROR: domain dcheck does not allow null values
- CONTEXT: COPY nulltest, line 1: "a b \N d \N"
-- Last row is bad
COPY nulltest FROM stdin;
- ERROR: new row for relation "nulltest" violates check constraint "nulltest_col5_check"
- CONTEXT: COPY nulltest, line 3: "a b c \N a"
select * from nulltest;
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5
--- 124,131 ----
*** ./expected/alter_table.out Sat Feb 11 16:58:36 2006
--- ./results/alter_table.out Sat Feb 11 23:21:14 2006
*** 867,874 ****
copy test("........pg.dropped.1........") to stdout;
ERROR: column "........pg.dropped.1........" of relation "test" does not exist
copy test from stdin;
- ERROR: extra data after last expected column
- CONTEXT: COPY test, line 1: "10 11 12"
select * from test;
b | c
--- 867,872 ----