I have applied your patch by pickout out the pieces that were already
not in CVS. Thanks.
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> The attached patch defines functions for getting distances between points
> on the surface of the earth and locating points within a specified distance
> using an index based on the contrib/cube package. The new functions are
> all of language type sql.
> A couple of bugs in the old earthdistance function based on the point
> datatype are fixed.
> A regression test has been added for both sets of functions.
> The README file has been updated to include documentation on the new stuff.
> There are comments about how this package is also useful for Astronomers.
[ Attachment, skipping... ]
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html
Bruce Momjian | http://candle.pha.pa.us
pgman@candle.pha.pa.us | (610) 359-1001
+ If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: contrib/earthdistance/README.earthdistance
RCS file: /cvsroot/contrib/earthdistance/README.earthdistance,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -c -r1.2 README.earthdistance
*** contrib/earthdistance/README.earthdistance 20 Sep 2002 03:47:22 -0000 1.2
--- contrib/earthdistance/README.earthdistance 8 Nov 2002 20:18:25 -0000
*** 1,13 ****
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! I corrected a bug in the geo_distance code where two double constants
! were declared as int. I changed the distance function to use the
! haversine formula which is more accurate for small distances.
! I added a regression test to the package. I added a grant statement
! to give execute access for geo_distance to public.
Bruno Wolff III
September 2002
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 15:19:32 -0600 (CST)
From: Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
To: vmehr@ctp.com
--- 1,107 ----
! This contrib package contains two different approaches to calculating
! great circle distances on the surface of the Earth. The one described
! first depends on the contrib/cube package (which MUST be installed before
! earthdistance is installed). The second one is based on the point
! datatype using latitude and longitude for the coordinates. The install
! script makes the defined functions executable by anyone.
! Make sure contrib/cube has been installed.
! make
! make install
! make installcheck
! To use these functions in a particular database as a postgres superuser do:
! psql databasename < earthdistance.sql
+ -------------------------------------------
+ contrib/cube based Earth distance functions
Bruno Wolff III
September 2002
+ A spherical model of the Earth is used.
+ Data is stored in cubes that are points (both corners are the same) using 3
+ coordinates representing the distance from the center of the Earth.
+ The radius of the Earth is obtained from the earth() function. It is
+ given in meters. But by changing this one function you can change it
+ to use some other units or to use a different value of the radius
+ that you feel is more appropiate.
+ This package also has applications to astronomical databases as well.
+ Astronomers will probably want to change earth() to return a radius of
+ 180/pi() so that distances are in degrees.
+ Functions are provided to allow for input in latitude and longitude (in
+ degrees), to allow for output of latitude and longitude, to calculate
+ the great circle distance between two points and to easily specify a
+ bounding box usable for index searches.
+ The functions are all 'sql' functions. If you want to make these functions
+ executable by other people you will also have to make the referenced
+ cube functions executable. cube(text), cube_distance(cube,cube),
+ cube_ll_coord(cube,int) and cube_enlarge(cube,float8,int) are used indirectly
+ by the earth distance functions. is_point(cube) and cube_dim(cube) are used
+ in suggested constraints for data in domain earth. cube_ur_coord(cube,int)
+ is used in the regression tests and might be useful for looking at bounding
+ box coordinates in user applications.
+ A domain of type cube named earth is defined. Since check constraints
+ are not supported for domains yet, this isn't as useful as it might be.
+ However the checks that should be supplied to all data of type earth are:
+ constraint not_point check(is_point(earth))
+ constraint not_3d check(cube_dim(earth) <= 3)
+ constraint on_surface check(abs(cube_distance(earth, '(0)'::cube) /
+ earth() - 1) < '10e-12'::float8);
+ The following functions are provided:
+ earth() - Returns the radius of the earth in meters.
+ sec_to_gc(float8) - Converts the normal straight line (secant) distance between
+ between two points on the surface of the Earth to the great circle distance
+ between them.
+ gc_to_sec(float8) - Converts the great circle distance between two points
+ on the surface of the Earth to the normal straight line (secant) distance
+ between them.
+ ll_to_cube(float8, float8) - Returns the location of a point on the surface of
+ the Earth given its latitude (argument 1) and longitude (argument 2) in degrees.
+ latitude(earth) - Returns the latitude in degrees of a point on the surface
+ of the Earth.
+ longitude(earth) - Returns the longitude in degrees of a point on the surface
+ of the Earth.
+ earth_distance(earth, earth) - Returns the great circle distance between
+ two points on the surface of the Earth.
+ earth_box(earth, float8) - Returns a box suitable for an indexed search using
+ the cube @ operator for points within a given great circle distance of a
+ location. Some points in this box are further than the specified great circle
+ distance from the location so a second check using earth_distance should be
+ made at the same time.
+ One advantage of using cube representation over a point using latitude and
+ longitude for coordinates, is that you don't have to worry about special
+ conditions at +/- 180 degrees of longitude or near the poles.
+ Below is the documentation for the Earth distance operator that works
+ with the point data type.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ I corrected a bug in the geo_distance code where two double constants
+ were declared as int. I also changed the distance function to use
+ the haversine formula which is more accurate for small distances.
+ Bruno Wolff
+ September 2002
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 15:19:32 -0600 (CST)
From: Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
To: vmehr@ctp.com
Index: contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -c -r1.6 earthdistance.c
*** contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.c 20 Sep 2002 03:47:22 -0000 1.6
--- contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.c 8 Nov 2002 20:18:25 -0000
*** 50,56 ****
double longdiff;
! double sino;
double *resultp = palloc(sizeof(double));
/* convert degrees to radians */
--- 50,56 ----
double longdiff;
! double sino;
double *resultp = palloc(sizeof(double));
/* convert degrees to radians */
Index: contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.sql.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.sql.in,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -c -r1.4 earthdistance.sql.in
*** contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.sql.in 18 Oct 2002 18:41:20 -0000 1.4
--- contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance.sql.in 8 Nov 2002 20:18:25 -0000
*** 3,8 ****
--- 3,79 ----
SET autocommit TO 'on';
+ -- The earth functions rely on contrib/cube having been installed and loaded.
+ -- earth() returns the radius of the earth in meters. This is the only
+ -- place you need to change things for the cube base distance functions
+ -- in order to use different units (or a better value for the Earth's radius).
+ AS 'SELECT \'6378168\'::float8';
+ -- Astromers may want to change the earth function so that distances will be
+ -- returned in degrees. To do this comment out the above definition and
+ -- uncomment the one below. Note that doing this will break the regression
+ -- tests.
+ --
+ -- AS 'SELECT 180/pi()';
+ -- Define domain for locations on the surface of the earth using a cube
+ -- datatype with constraints. cube provides 3D indexing.
+ -- Check constraints aren't currently supported.
+ CREATE DOMAIN earth AS cube;
+ -- CONSTRAINT not_point check(is_point(earth))
+ -- CONSTRAINT not_3d check(cube_dim(earth) <= 3)
+ -- CONSTRAINT on_surface check(abs(cube_distance(earth, '(0)'::cube) /
+ -- earth() - 1) < '10e-12'::float8);
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sec_to_gc(float8)
+ RETURNS float8
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT CASE WHEN $1 < 0 THEN 0::float8 WHEN $1/(2*earth()) > 1 THEN pi()*earth() ELSE
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gc_to_sec(float8)
+ RETURNS float8
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT CASE WHEN $1 < 0 THEN 0::float8 WHEN $1/earth() > pi() THEN 2*earth() ELSE 2*earth()*sin($1/(2*earth()))
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ll_to_earth(float8, float8)
+ RETURNS earth
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ RETURNS float8
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT CASE WHEN cube_ll_coord($1, 3)/earth() < -1 THEN -90::float8 WHEN cube_ll_coord($1, 3)/earth() > 1 THEN
90::float8ELSE degrees(asin(cube_ll_coord($1, 3)/earth())) END';
+ RETURNS float8
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT degrees(atan2(cube_ll_coord($1, 2), cube_ll_coord($1, 1)))';
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION earth_distance(earth, earth)
+ RETURNS float8
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT sec_to_gc(cube_distance($1, $2))';
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION earth_box(earth, float8)
+ RETURNS cube
+ LANGUAGE 'sql'
+ AS 'SELECT cube_enlarge($1, gc_to_sec($2), 3)';
--------------- geo_distance
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geo_distance (point, point)
Index: contrib/earthdistance/expected/earthdistance.out
RCS file: /cvsroot/contrib/earthdistance/expected/earthdistance.out,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -c -r1.3 earthdistance.out
*** contrib/earthdistance/expected/earthdistance.out 21 Oct 2002 20:33:21 -0000 1.3
--- contrib/earthdistance/expected/earthdistance.out 8 Nov 2002 20:18:26 -0000
*** 3,81 ****
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
! -- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql.
\set ECHO none
-- Test getting the distance between two points using geo_distance.
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT (geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
--- 3,628 ----
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
! -- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql or cube.sql.
\set ECHO none
+ psql:../cube/cube.sql:12: NOTICE: ProcedureCreate: type cube is not yet defined
+ psql:../cube/cube.sql:17: NOTICE: Argument type "cube" is only a shell
+ --
+ -- The radius of the Earth we are using.
+ --
+ select earth()::numeric(20,5);
+ earth
+ ---------------
+ 6378168.00000
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Convert straight line distances to great circle distances.
+ --
+ select (pi()*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ numeric
+ ----------------
+ 20037605.73216
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(0)::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ -----------
+ 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(2*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ ----------------
+ 20037605.73216
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(10*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ ----------------
+ 20037605.73216
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(-earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ -----------
+ 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ ------------
+ 1000.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(10000)::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ -------------
+ 10000.00102
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(100000)::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ --------------
+ 100001.02426
+ (1 row)
+ select sec_to_gc(1000000)::numeric(20,5);
+ sec_to_gc
+ ---------------
+ 1001027.07131
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Convert great circle distances to straight line distances.
+ --
+ select gc_to_sec(0)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ -----------
+ 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(sec_to_gc(2*earth()))::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ ----------------
+ 12756336.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(10*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ ----------------
+ 12756336.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(pi()*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ ----------------
+ 12756336.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(-1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ -----------
+ 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ ------------
+ 1000.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(10000)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ ------------
+ 9999.99898
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(100000)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ -------------
+ 99998.97577
+ (1 row)
+ select gc_to_sec(1000000)::numeric(20,5);
+ gc_to_sec
+ --------------
+ 998976.08618
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Set coordinates using latitude and longitude.
+ -- Extract each coordinate separately so we can round them.
+ --
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ----------------+---------------+---------------
+ -6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ----------------+---------------+---------------
+ -6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ----------------+---------------+---------------
+ -6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ----------------+---------------+---------------
+ -6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 6378168.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 6378168.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+----------------
+ 0.00000 | 0.00000 | -6378168.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+----------------
+ 0.00000 | 0.00000 | -6378168.00000
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test getting the latitude of a location.
+ --
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -45.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ latitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test getting the longitude of a location.
+ --
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ --------------
+ 0.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ---------------
+ 90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ 180.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ 180.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ 180.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ 180.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ 180.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ longitude
+ ----------------
+ -90.0000000000
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- For the distance tests the following is some real life data.
+ --
+ -- Chicago has a latitude of 41.8 and a longitude of 87.6.
+ -- Albuquerque has a latitude of 35.1 and a longitude of 106.7.
+ -- (Note that latitude and longitude are specified differently
+ -- in the cube based functions than for the point based functions.)
+ --
+ --
+ -- Test getting the distance between two points using earth_distance.
+ --
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 0.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 20037605.73216
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 10018802.86608
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 10018802.86608
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 111320.03185
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(1,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 111320.03185
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(30,0),ll_to_earth(30,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 96405.66962
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(30,0),ll_to_earth(31,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 111320.03185
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(60,0),ll_to_earth(60,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 55659.48608
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(60,0),ll_to_earth(61,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 111320.03185
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(41.8,87.6),ll_to_earth(35.1,106.7))::numeric(20,5);
+ earth_distance
+ ----------------
+ 1819303.21265
+ (1 row)
+ select (earth_distance(ll_to_earth(41.8,87.6),ll_to_earth(35.1,106.7))*
+ 100./2.54/12./5280.)::numeric(20,5);
+ numeric
+ ------------
+ 1130.46261
+ (1 row)
-- Test getting the distance between two points using geo_distance.
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select (geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
*** 84,158 ****
-- Test getting the distance between two points using the <@> operator.
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT ('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! SELECT (('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
--- 631,948 ----
-- Test getting the distance between two points using the <@> operator.
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select ('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
(1 row)
! select (('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test getting a bounding box around points.
+ --
+ select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),3)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord
+ ---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------
+ 6266169.43896 | -111998.56104 | -111998.56104 | 6490166.56104 | 111998.56104 | 111998.56104
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord
+ ----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------
+ -6378168.00000 | -12756336.00000 | -12756336.00000 | 19134504.00000 | 12756336.00000 | 12756336.00000
+ (1 row)
+ select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord | cube_ur_coord
+ ----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------
+ -6378168.00000 | -12756336.00000 | -12756336.00000 | 19134504.00000 | 12756336.00000 | 12756336.00000
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test for points that should be in bounding boxes.
+ --
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,1);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.1);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.01))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.01);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.001))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.0001))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(45,45),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(45,45),ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(90,180),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(90,180),ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001))*1.00001) @
+ ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test for points that shouldn't be in bounding boxes. Note that we need
+ -- to make points way outside, since some points close may be in the box
+ -- but further away than the distance we are testing.
+ --
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,1);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.1);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.01))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.01);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.001))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.0001))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0,0.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(45,45),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(45,45),ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ select earth_box(ll_to_earth(90,180),
+ earth_distance(ll_to_earth(90,180),ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001))*.57735) @
+ ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001);
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ f
+ (1 row)
+ --
+ -- Test the recommended constraints.
+ --
+ select is_point(ll_to_earth(0,0));
+ ERROR: Function is_point(earth) does not exist
+ Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
+ You may need to add explicit typecasts
+ select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(0,0)) <= 3;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
+ '10e-12'::float8;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select is_point(ll_to_earth(30,60));
+ ERROR: Function is_point(earth) does not exist
+ Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
+ You may need to add explicit typecasts
+ select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(30,60)) <= 3;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(30,60), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
+ '10e-12'::float8;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select is_point(ll_to_earth(60,90));
+ ERROR: Function is_point(earth) does not exist
+ Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
+ You may need to add explicit typecasts
+ select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(60,90)) <= 3;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(60,90), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
+ '10e-12'::float8;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select is_point(ll_to_earth(-30,-90));
+ ERROR: Function is_point(earth) does not exist
+ Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
+ You may need to add explicit typecasts
+ select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(-30,-90)) <= 3;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
+ (1 row)
+ select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(-30,-90), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
+ '10e-12'::float8;
+ ?column?
+ ----------
+ t
(1 row)
Index: contrib/earthdistance/sql/earthdistance.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/contrib/earthdistance/sql/earthdistance.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -c -r1.5 earthdistance.sql
*** contrib/earthdistance/sql/earthdistance.sql 21 Oct 2002 20:33:21 -0000 1.5
--- contrib/earthdistance/sql/earthdistance.sql 8 Nov 2002 20:18:27 -0000
*** 4,45 ****
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
! -- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql.
\set ECHO none
\i earthdistance.sql
\set ECHO all
-- Test getting the distance between two points using geo_distance.
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT (geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
-- Test getting the distance between two points using the <@> operator.
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT ('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! SELECT (('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
--- 4,299 ----
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
! -- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql or cube.sql.
\set ECHO none
+ \i ../cube/cube.sql
\i earthdistance.sql
\set ECHO all
+ -- The radius of the Earth we are using.
+ --
+ select earth()::numeric(20,5);
+ --
+ -- Convert straight line distances to great circle distances.
+ --
+ select (pi()*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(0)::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(2*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(10*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(-earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(10000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(100000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select sec_to_gc(1000000)::numeric(20,5);
+ --
+ -- Convert great circle distances to straight line distances.
+ --
+ select gc_to_sec(0)::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(sec_to_gc(2*earth()))::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(10*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(pi()*earth())::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(-1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(1000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(10000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(100000)::numeric(20,5);
+ select gc_to_sec(1000000)::numeric(20,5);
+ --
+ -- Set coordinates using latitude and longitude.
+ -- Extract each coordinate separately so we can round them.
+ --
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(180,360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-180,-360),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,-180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(90,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,0),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ select cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),1)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),2)::numeric(20,5),
+ cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(-90,180),3)::numeric(20,5);
+ --
+ -- Test getting the latitude of a location.
+ --
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(0,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select latitude(ll_to_earth(-90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ --
+ -- Test getting the longitude of a location.
+ --
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,0))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,180))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(0,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-45,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ select longitude(ll_to_earth(-90,-90))::numeric(20,10);
+ --
+ -- For the distance tests the following is some real life data.
+ --
+ -- Chicago has a latitude of 41.8 and a longitude of 87.6.
+ -- Albuquerque has a latitude of 35.1 and a longitude of 106.7.
+ -- (Note that latitude and longitude are specified differently
+ -- in the cube based functions than for the point based functions.)
+ --
+ --
+ -- Test getting the distance between two points using earth_distance.
+ --
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(90,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,90))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(1,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(30,0),ll_to_earth(30,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(30,0),ll_to_earth(31,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(60,0),ll_to_earth(60,1))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(60,0),ll_to_earth(61,0))::numeric(20,5);
+ select earth_distance(ll_to_earth(41.8,87.6),ll_to_earth(35.1,106.7))::numeric(20,5);
+ select (earth_distance(ll_to_earth(41.8,87.6),ll_to_earth(35.1,106.7))*
+ 100./2.54/12./5280.)::numeric(20,5);
+ --
-- Test getting the distance between two points using geo_distance.
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,30)'::point,'(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(0,60)'::point,'(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select (geo_distance('(87.6,41.8)'::point,'(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
-- Test getting the distance between two points using the <@> operator.
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,90)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(90,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(1,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,0)'::point <@> '(0,1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(1,30)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,30)'::point <@> '(0,31)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(1,60)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(0,60)'::point <@> '(0,61)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select ('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)::numeric(20,5);
! select (('(87.6,41.8)'::point <@> '(106.7,35.1)'::point)*5280.*12.*2.54/100.)::numeric(20,5);
! --
! -- Test getting a bounding box around points.
! --
! select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),3)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),112000),3)::numeric(20,5);
! select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),pi()*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5);
! select cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ll_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),1)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),2)::numeric(20,5),
! cube_ur_coord(earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),10*earth()),3)::numeric(20,5);
! --
! -- Test for points that should be in bounding boxes.
! --
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0,1);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.1);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.01))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.01);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.001))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.0001))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(45,45),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(45,45),ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(90,180),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(90,180),ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001))*1.00001) @
! ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001);
! --
! -- Test for points that shouldn't be in bounding boxes. Note that we need
! -- to make points way outside, since some points close may be in the box
! -- but further away than the distance we are testing.
! --
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0,1);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.1);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.01))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.01);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.001))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.0001))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0,0.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(0.0001,0.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(45,45),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(45,45),ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(45.0001,45.0001);
! select earth_box(ll_to_earth(90,180),
! earth_distance(ll_to_earth(90,180),ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001))*.57735) @
! ll_to_earth(90.0001,180.0001);
! --
! -- Test the recommended constraints.
! --
! select is_point(ll_to_earth(0,0));
! select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(0,0)) <= 3;
! select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
! '10e-12'::float8;
! select is_point(ll_to_earth(30,60));
! select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(30,60)) <= 3;
! select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(30,60), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
! '10e-12'::float8;
! select is_point(ll_to_earth(60,90));
! select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(60,90)) <= 3;
! select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(60,90), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
! '10e-12'::float8;
! select is_point(ll_to_earth(-30,-90));
! select cube_dim(ll_to_earth(-30,-90)) <= 3;
! select abs(cube_distance(ll_to_earth(-30,-90), '(0)'::cube) / earth() - 1) <
! '10e-12'::float8;