Thread: date_part patch

date_part patch

Marc Balmer
Attached is small patch that extends the date_part function to return the
day of week and day of year respectively.

Two new tokens are introduced, weekday and yearday to allow
for the retrieval of the day number since sunday (0-6) or the day
number since january, 1 from a date value.

I use it to retrieve events on specific weekdays, e.g. all events
that occur on mondays:

SELECT * FROM events WHERE date_part('weekday', eventdate) = 1;

The following files are patched:

Extends "units" table to recognize the new tokens

Extends timestamp2tm() function to return the fields tm_mday and tm_yday
Extends timestamp_part() function to return the day of week or day of year

Defines new tokens DTK_WEEKDAY, DTK_YEARDAY

Marc Balmer, Micro Systems, Kannenfeldstrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel
Tel +41 61 383 05 10, Fax +41 61 383 05 12,
Attached is small patch that extends the date_part function to return the
day of week and day of year respectively.

Two new tokens are introduced, weekday and yearday to allow
for the retrieval of the day number since sunday (0-6) or the day
number since january, 1 from a date value.

I use it to retrieve events on specific weekdays, e.g. all events
that occur on mondays:

SELECT * FROM events WHERE date_part('weekday', eventdate) = 1;

The following files are patched:

Extends "units" table to recognize the new tokens

Extends timestamp2tm() function to return the fields tm_mday and tm_yday
Extends timestamp_part() function to return the day of week or day of year

Defines new tokens DTK_WEEKDAY, DTK_YEARDAY

<Der Anhang fehlt>
Marc Balmer, Micro Systems, Kannenfeldstrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel
Tel +41 61 383 05 10, Fax +41 61 383 05 12,


Re: date_part patch

Peter Eisentraut
Marc Balmer writes:

> Attached is small patch that extends the date_part function to return the
> day of week and day of year respectively.

Already exists (dow and doy).

Peter Eisentraut

Re: date_part patch

Thomas Lockhart
> > Attached is small patch that extends the date_part function to return the
> > day of week and day of year respectively.
> Already exists (dow and doy).

Mark, is there any compatibility reason to want these other names
(weekday and yearday)? Otherwise, as Peter points out, these do exist.

                    - Thomas