I would examine the patch.
However forcelog() exists in msdtc_enlist.cpp at first glance.
Hiroshi Inoue
On 2016/05/26 11:40, Tsunakawa, Takayuki wrote:
> Hello,
> While I was troubleshooting some user problem and trying to figure out why mylog_xxx.log is not created, I found a
tinybug. The buffers for holding the full path for MyLog and CommLog are small -- only 80 bytes. If you specify a
longpath for Logdir, the buffer overrun occurs. Please find the attached patch mylog_buffer_overrun.patch.
> The other patch mylog_cleanup.patch removes code which are unused or unnecessary anymore. I'd like to make the code
aslean as possible, so that it makes code reading and searching easier and faster. This patch removes about 120 lines.
> Regards
> Takayuki Tsunakawa