Thread: numeric field between 0 and 1 causes Write Conflict error in Access

numeric field between 0 and 1 causes Write Conflict error in Access

Joe Gilmour

I have several tables with a numeric fields (15,2) in them. The client,
on Windows (MS Access 97 on XP, please don't hate me) will throw "Write
Conflict" errors on some records.  The determining factor seems to be
decimal places especially on numbers between 0 and 1. If any of the
fields in the record have a number field with data between 0 and 1 then
the record cannot be updated through regular editing in the client.  It
can be updated using an update query just not in datasheet view or
navigating through the records. In 09.03.0300 it works OK so it appears
to be something changed in 09.03.0400.  I can't seem to find a way to
work around this other than to downgrade the ODBC version.

Using another client (LibreOffice) works no problem using the same DSN
so it's a combination of Access and the latest ODBC driver.

