Thread: Re: Problem in Re-using the prepared statement

Re: Problem in Re-using the prepared statement

Heikki Linnakangas
On 09/19/2014 01:37 PM, Bala krishna Devasani wrote:
> Desc: i have a problem executing the prepared statement more than once. 1st
> time it executing correct and when i try to execute same prepared statement
> next time it is failed giving the error like this.
> Error: "27:Error fetching numeric attribute: ColAttribute for this type not
> implemented yet"

That message is given when the SQLColAttribute function is called with a
field identifier that the driver doesn't recognize.

> What program you're using to connect to PostgreSQL:ODBC 3.5 (libodbc++)
> library

Perhaps libodbc++ issues the SQLColAttribute() call automatically?
Enable debug logging, and check the "mylog.*" file. There should be a
line for the call to the PGAPI_ColAttributes function, showing the
arguments it was called with.

- Heikki