Thread: Can't update views with pgsql-odbc

Can't update views with pgsql-odbc




I use PostgreSQL 9.2.8 and 9.34 64-bit on Windows or Linux, and psqlodbc v. 09.03.0300 64 bit on Windows 7/ 8.1 Pro.

In my Access 2013 application I can’t delete / insert /modify the views linked on the PostgreSQL server.

These views can be updated by SQL queries in PSQL or pgAdmin III.

So I create à light DB containing only 2 tables and 2 updatable views (one using rules like in PG 8, the other using a trigger) and I try to find a solution …

On a Windows 7 Pro SP1 32-bit box with MS Access 2007 I can modify only if :

-          Using a System Data Source (located in registry HKLM\Software\ODBC) with :

o   The postgres user

o   Connecting to a PostgreSQL 9.2.8 on CentOS 6.5 64-bits

o   Using the defauts values

-          The view based on rules works, not the other using trigger (new in PG 9.1)

On the 64-bit boxes, Windows 7 Pro SP1 and Windows 8.1 Update 1, no result.


Is the PG ODBC driver permitting to update a view or not ?


I can send you my test database (8 KB) for your tests …


Thanks for any solution.