Thread: Impossible to use MSDTC/XA with SSPI

Impossible to use MSDTC/XA with SSPI

Craig Ringer
(Sent from the wrong account earlier, please disregard if you see
another copy)

Hi all

It doesn't seem to be possible to use MSDTC XA transactions alongside
SSPI authentication.

psqlODBC's MSDTC support assumes that the DSN supplied by the user is
also valid for a connection from MSDTC.exe via pgxalib.dll for XA
recovery. We've already seen one case where that's not a valid
assumption - where the 32-bit and 64-bit driver names differ when using
32-bit psqlODBC under SysWow64 on 64-bit Windows.

This is another case.

SSPI for TCP is like "peer" for unix socket connections on UNIX, except
that it uses an in-band handshake protocol rather than out-of-band
syscalls. It verifies that the connecting user is running as same
operating system user as the PostgreSQL username they've requested (or
is allowed to connect as that Pg user by the user mappings).

So what happens is:

- psqlODBC connects as the user
- User starts distributed tx manager, binds connection(s) to MSDTC
- User starts distributed tx; psqlODBC starts tx's on each session and
saves the user's DSN in the DTC transaction context.
- User does work on each session
- User asks DTC to commit tx; psqlODBC does a PREPARE TRANSACTION on
each session
- DTC tells user tx has committed successfully
- DTC asks psqlODBC to COMMIT PREPARED on each tx

If the app exits after MSDTC tells it the tx committed (which it might -
MSDTC doesn't offer synchronous 2-phase commit, it can only wait for the
first phase to complete) or the server crashes, etc, there are left-over
prepared transactions.

pgxalib.dll's job is to recover those. To do that it has to connect to
PostgreSQL. It's loaded within MSDTC.exe, where it establishes a
psqlODBC connection using the DSN it saved in the distributed
transaction context earlier.

This works only if the DSN is valid. The 32-bit to 64-bit mismatch was
one case of this being a problem earlier. SSPI is another - when
MSDTC.exe tries to connect to PostgreSQL it does so under Windows user
NETWORKSERVICE, which won't match the username the original user
connected to PostgreSQL as. So PostgreSQL will reject the connection.

I'm not sure how to solve this. "Use libpq" isn't an answer here, it
still wouldn't give us any way to acquire creds that'd permit connecting

Stashing creds in the Registry or a file would work, but would require a
.pgpass-like setup with matching for hostname/port/etc, since MSDTC
might be co-ordinating transactions for multiple Pg servers on multiple
machines. It'd also mean that MSDTC XA support for Pg would require
configuration, which it never has before. Anything else running as
NETWORKSERVICE could then steal these creds. Because you can only COMMIT
PREPARED a tx that you created unless you're superuser, they'd have to
be superuser creds too.

Trusting NETWORKSERVICE to SSPI-authenticate as anybody seems pretty
horrible - if Pg even has wildcard user mapping for SSPI that'll work
for this, I haven't checked yet. Anything could be running as

The only thing I can think of that seems secure in the face of other
things running as NETWORKSERVICE is to have a special cookie stored in
the DTC transaction context that PostgreSQL accepts as a one-time
password for a connection that can *only* commit or rollback that
particular prepared transaction. That'd require some pretty significant
changes to Pg core, so it's hardly a lightweight option.


 Craig Ringer         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Impossible to use MSDTC/XA with SSPI

"Inoue, Hiroshi"
(2014/07/09 11:53), Craig Ringer wrote:
> (Sent from the wrong account earlier, please disregard if you see
> another copy)
> Hi all
> It doesn't seem to be possible to use MSDTC XA transactions alongside
> SSPI authentication.
> psqlODBC's MSDTC support assumes that the DSN supplied by the user is
> also valid for a connection from MSDTC.exe via pgxalib.dll for XA
> recovery. We've already seen one case where that's not a valid
> assumption - where the 32-bit and 64-bit driver names differ when using
> 32-bit psqlODBC under SysWow64 on 64-bit Windows.
> This is another case.
> SSPI for TCP is like "peer" for unix socket connections on UNIX, except
> that it uses an in-band handshake protocol rather than out-of-band
> syscalls. It verifies that the connecting user is running as same
> operating system user as the PostgreSQL username they've requested (or
> is allowed to connect as that Pg user by the user mappings).
> So what happens is:
> - psqlODBC connects as the user
> - User starts distributed tx manager, binds connection(s) to MSDTC
> - User starts distributed tx; psqlODBC starts tx's on each session and
> saves the user's DSN in the DTC transaction context.
> - User does work on each session
> - User asks DTC to commit tx; psqlODBC does a PREPARE TRANSACTION on
> each session
> - DTC tells user tx has committed successfully
> - DTC asks psqlODBC to COMMIT PREPARED on each tx
> If the app exits after MSDTC tells it the tx committed (which it might -
> MSDTC doesn't offer synchronous 2-phase commit, it can only wait for the
> first phase to complete) or the server crashes, etc, there are left-over
> prepared transactions.
> pgxalib.dll's job is to recover those. To do that it has to connect to
> PostgreSQL. It's loaded within MSDTC.exe, where it establishes a
> psqlODBC connection using the DSN it saved in the distributed
> transaction context earlier.
> This works only if the DSN is valid. The 32-bit to 64-bit mismatch was
> one case of this being a problem earlier. SSPI is another - when
> MSDTC.exe tries to connect to PostgreSQL it does so under Windows user
> NETWORKSERVICE, which won't match the username the original user
> connected to PostgreSQL as. So PostgreSQL will reject the connection.

It also occurs with certificate or ident authentication methods.
It also occurs in case of ssl connections with sslmode=verify-[ca|full
One way is to reject such connections at enlistment.
One way is to register such DSNs as *users' manual recovery is
I'd like to test another way to use CreateProcessWithLogonW() with
SSPI authentication method but it's not easy to setup the environmemt.

Hiroshi Inoue

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Re: Impossible to use MSDTC/XA with SSPI

Craig Ringer
On 07/09/2014 12:00 PM, Inoue, Hiroshi wrote:
> It also occurs with certificate or ident authentication methods.
> It also occurs in case of ssl connections with sslmode=verify-[ca|full

Oh, delightful. Yes.

It's also a problem if they're using a User DSN, as the DSN won't be
defined in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive for NETWORKSERVICE and MSDTC won't
find it.

> One way is to reject such connections at enlistment.

I think that's going to be necessary at some point, no matter what.
There are just too many corner cases and there's too much room for

People who use XA transactions don't tend to like "Well, maybe it
worked". So rejecting it outright is a much better option.

The only question there is whether it's possible or sane to use a single
connection for each DSN, maintaining a connection pool. So we aren't
always disconnecting and reconnecting, and we aren't connecting once at
enlistment then again at recovery.

> One way is to register such DSNs as *users' manual recovery is
> required*.

Strong -1 for that one - it's pretty much what we have already, and it's
something people will only discover when something breaks. Then they'll
have to go chasing the problem. MSDTC isn't exactly a highly visible
component either.

> I'd like to test another way to use CreateProcessWithLogonW() with
> SSPI authentication method

Interesting for SSPI, or for file-based certificate access, but it
requires NETWORKSERVICE to have the right to create a process as any
user or know the user's credentials. Actually, I think it can only work
if you know the user's credentials - there doesn't seem to be anything
like the sudo/setuid/etc functionality where you don't know the target
account's password. I guess that makes sense when considering domains
and trust, but it means it can't be made transparent to psqlODBC users,
they'd have to put their user account password as an extra attribute the

It might also be a performance problem. We'd have to LOGON_WITH_PROFILE
so we could access HKCU (in case there are any User DSNs we need), which
is documented as being slow.

So we'd probably need a persistent helper for each user that proxies XA
connections for that user. That's starting to get complicated (and
likely to cause profile unload problems).

MSDTC isn't pretty, is it?

I think it'll be better to just reject certain configurations as
unsupported at enlistment time:

- Any user DSNs

- Certificate based auth where MSDTC can't access the certificate or
  it's a relative path

- SSPI auth to a domain account where no pg_ident.conf mapping permits
  msdtc to log in as that user and no fallback account name has been
  provided for msdtc to use;

- ... etc

Essentially, we test the DSN at enlistment and reject it loudly (with a
nice informative message in the Windows Error Log) if it isn't usable as
an XA connection.

> but it's not easy to setup the environmemt.

I'm testing on a single Win2k8 server VM, running on AWS, using SSPI to

If you like I can tidy it a little and wrap it as an AMI, so you can
launch one with MSVC, git, psqlodbc, WiX, etc etc already in place.

Otherwise I'm happy to carry on testing this myself - I have no right to
ask you to do my work, after all.

I'd appreciate advice on how to reject connections at enlistment time,
or more specifically how to pool and cache the connections so each
enlistment doesn't make a new connection. Otherwise I think I can see
where to go from here.

 Craig Ringer         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services