Thread: Modern non-.Net provider?

Modern non-.Net provider?

"Rob Richardson"

My company’s main application is written in C++ using MFC.  We have not yet migrated into the .Net world.  We use DSNs for database access, and we use the adodb.dll provider Microsoft shipped along with the Microsoft Office suite.  To put it mildly, that provider is less than optimal, and I would dearly love to move it to the great bit-bucket in the sky.  Can anyone suggest a better provider?


Thank you very much.



Re: Modern non-.Net provider?

"Rob Richardson"
Thanks very much for your reply.  Unfortunately, after reading it, I
realize that I mis-stated my question.  My question is actually not
PostgreSQL-specific, so if there's a better place to ask, please let me

Our applicaton relies on DSNs.  A DSN associates a given name with a
database and its provider.  So, we can have a DSN named "MyPostgres"
associated with a database named "MyPostgresDatabase" and the latest
psqlODBC provider, and we can have a second DSN named "MySQLServer"
associated with a database named "MySQLServerDatabase" and whatever
driver that database would need.  Our application asks the user for a
DSN name, and that name is the only information needed to decide which
database to connect to.  My application would be linked with a library
that would connect to the database using the DSN, and would provide the
standard database functions like AddNew(), Update(), Delete(),
MoveFirst(), MoveNext() and so on.

I am looking for a library that provides those database functions.  The
Microsoft-supplied adodb.dll library has bugs.  Its most irritating bug
is a tendency to thrown an error saying "Query-based update failed
because the row to update could not be found", despite the fact that the
data being updated includes key information.  This library is probably
approaching 20 years old.  I presume something better exists, and I
would greatly appreciate help in finding it.

Thanks again!
